Will Always Be His First Time

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  Taehyung had convinced Jungkook to let him have sex with him. It was a test to see if he was gay or not. Jungkook was gullible enough to agree. Tae never said if he liked it or not. That is because Tae started ignoring him after that day. They were 12 at the time. Jungkook only had Tae as a friend. Tae had gained new friends over the summer. They were all in their class. He knew their names, Jin, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Jimin.

  Jungkook was isolated and mostly mute. Tae was the only reason he talked. The teachers rarely called on him. He was mainly paired with females and rarely with males. One girl had a crush on him and was excited when they were paired together. She was a popular girl. She didn't know Jungkook was gay, nor did anyone else. He didn't want to be bullied, so he ignored the questions on his sexuality.

  Jungkook found Tae looking at him. The delinquents were obviously targeting Jungkook since he was broken like them. One of them approached him after class. Jungkook rarely saw them. She let Kook finish packing up before tell him to follow her. Jungkook just did as he was told. The whole group of  delinquents were on the rooftop of the school.

  Jungkook wasn't one to talk much, so he just nodded to agree. He tried to wear as much black as possible. The delinquents joined Jungkook's P.E. class. The childish boy of the delinquents played with Jungkook's hair. He put short braids on the left side. The female gave him clips and ponytails to complete it. The females in the rest of the class laughed because he looked like a girl. Jungkook wouldn't normal snap back, but the delinquents taught him in the short amount of time.

  Jungkook brought up heartbreaking moments of the girls' life's, parents deaths or making a mistake. The delinquents laughed with him. Jimin got mad. He was held back by Jin.

  "He is letting out his pain that Tae caused." Jin knew the two used to be so close.

  "What did TaeTae have to do with his rudeness?!" Jimin whisper-yelled.

  "Tae started ignoring him after something Tae got him to agree to. I don't blame Jungkook for acting like this. Tae was his support system. He kept him from breaking, and now he left him." Jin looked at the male.

  Jungkook got detention. The other delinquents were still doing their detentions for spraying on school property. Jin had got detention for arguing with a teacher. He took the set by Jungkook. Yoongi got punished for sleeping in the same teacher's class. Jungkook would answer some questions they asked. He got mad when they asked if what Tae heard of him just using him for his own foul play. He slammed his hands on the table.

  "WHERE DID HE HEARD THAT BULLSHIT?!?!" Jungkook's wolf ears and tail had appeared, he rarely showed them since they showed he was an omega.

  "From some girl. She is good at lying about people to ruin their relationships with a person. She said that he was the reason you weren't gay. Jungkook, we are on your side, so is the other three. We know she wants you to herself." Yoongi's tone changed at certain things.

  Jungkook and the two waited until after detention ended. Jungkook got along with them just as he did with Tae. Jin, Namjoon, Hoseok, and Yoongi hung out with him more. Jimin had to keep Tae company.

  Heat season came. Jungkook forgot and forgot his pills. He stumbled out of class. The teacher was the one who was harsh, and gave Jin and Yoongi detention, but knew what happened and ignored him. Tae snuck out. He found Jungkook not far from the class. He picked up Jungkook and carried him to the farthest bathroom from any classroom.

  Tae stripped both of them, lost control while prepping his hole. He slammed into his hole at full strength. Jungkook's scream was muted by a kiss. Jungkook wanted more. He moved on his own. Tae got the message and speed up. He smiled when Jungkook moaned out his name. Jungkook cummed within minutes. Tae went at the same speed. Jungkook cummed two other times before Tae did. Tae marked him.

  "No one is allowed to make you moan like that! Only me! It gets hard ignoring your skinny body! I almost lost it after she said you weren't gay. You wouldn't have moaned and let me do this to you twice and not be gay." Tae went on and Jungkook smiled.

  Jungkook realized class was about to end. He got up to get dressed. Tae had stuck a butt plug in earlier. Jungkook had no other class with Tae. Tae never mentioned he also put a vibrator in, too. Jungkook thought it was only the plug. He knew where Tae hid his toys. He snuck into his locker and got the other remote to the vibrator. He found Tae alone in a bathroom at lunch. He turned up the vibrator to the highest level. Tae check and found he had the other remote. He noticed Jungkook had to other one. He smiled. Jungkook had locked the door.

  "I'm trying to impregnate you, not fuck you senseless. Well, at least not in school." Tae smirked. He took the remote and turned it off.

  Jungkook was weak from just that. He was lifted up and put on Tae's back. They went to lunch. Jungkook slept most of the time. Art was his last class. They had a video on some art thing.

  Tae stayed with Jungkook. He smiled when their son was put in his arm. Jungkook was in charge of naming him. Jungkook chose Taegguk.

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