Punished For No Reason

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Jungkook had been with Tae for a few years as a couple, but knew him since birth. They grew up together since their parents were allies of each others companies. Jungkook and Tae used to just cuddle and be happy as a couple, until Tae started a gang. Jungkook didn't get why, but Tae was always stressed and took it out on Jungkook. Jungkook wasn't fond of his new attitude. Jungkook was not allowed to go out, unless Tae approved.

Jungkook woke up in cell. He was being watched by a man he remembered, but not his name. The guy called for his 'boss.' The boss called the male his 'omega.' He didn't feel safe around the alpha. He was fine with the omega. Jungkook managed to escape from the cage, but not the room. He got on the alpha's throne. He realized he was in the throne room once he saw it. He claimed it for himself.

The boss and omega came in with Tae and his five men, Yoongi, Namjoon, Hoseok, Jimin, and Jin. Jungkook moved so he sat on the railing of the balcony. Jungkook got scared. Jin noticed him first. The omega found him after following his gaze. Jungkook knew about the mini pool in front and below of the balcony. He waited until the omega got close. He slid off the railing and landed in the water. Jungkook forgot about the skirt since he was forced into a maid outfit while knocked out.

Hoseok gave him his jacket. It was obviously big on Jungkook. Jin hugged him. Tae knocked the alpha out. The seven ran to the get away van. Jungkook fell asleep on Jimin's lap. Tae was driving. Tae carried Jungkook inside and to their room. Jungkook shivered when he took off the wet clothes and stopped when the very oversized sweater was put on plus the thigh-high stockings.

Jungkook woke up the next day. He remembered Tae had a meeting with his dad. Jungkook had one with his own, but his mom was always there, too. Jungkook was always introduced as a girl, but Tae knew he wasn't. Jungkook decided to put on short-shorts and a white t-shirt. Jungkook left on the stockings, but add boots that reached his knee. He put on a leather jacket before heading to the meeting. Jungkook smiled as he walking into the office. All eyes were on him.

His parents were angry when they saw him. Jungkook just sat down. He finished late at night. Jungkook grabbed his art backpack and left. Tae was obviously home. Jungkook was always home before him. Jungkook had actually gotten bored and left. Jungkook was about to quit going all together. Jungkook felt sick. Jungkook checked the time. It was past 5 P.M. Tae always got home at noon.

  Jungkook walked into. Namjin's 3 year old boy, Alec, ran and hugged him. He favorited Jungkook more than his own parents. Jungkook went to take a shower before Tae and the others got home. Jungkook knew not long after the meeting with his parents, Tae had a mission. Jungkook got done. He got on the oversized sweater and boxers.

  Jungkook fell asleep. Alec woke him up to play hide and seek from the six before they got home. They managed to get into the weapons room which is in the attic. The scanner recognized them. Jungkook saw a female come out from the back. Jungkook was pulled to the back, and Alec sat on the couch on the side. Jungkook was put in tight clothes.

  The tight, black-leather croptop showed his chest. It had two buttons, but they were close together. The booty-shorts matched the top. They were clipped with two things in the front near his sides. The fishnets were just short enough to meet with the shorts. He put on leather black boots that reach the middle of his thigh. One gloves laced up on the side of his arm and was fingerless, plus reach his upper arm. The other was shorter and reached his wrist. It was a regular fingerless glove. The lady did his makeup. She just put on lipgloss at the end. She styled his hair.

  Alec asked to go to the park. Jungkook texted Jin that they were going to the park. Jungkook realized that the fair was in town. He was pulled there by Alec. He smiled nervously. He saw a demon and angel kids with their parents. Jungkook got nervous when he saw demons have wolves as pets and most were pregnant and not allowed to go on it. Jungkook had some extra money and got Alec tickets. He stood back and watched. They went home by the time it closed. Jungkook was nervous. Tae was home. He could tell by the van being there.

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