"Just Friends"

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Tae was Jungkook's friend since preschool. Jungkook wanted to be something more, but Tae wasn't open. Tae had a girlfriend. She hated Jungkook. She blamed him for the reason why Tae refused to have sex or kiss her. Jungkook smiled which annoyed her. She began crying when she saw Tae. Jungkook got annoyed and went to his class early. Tae usually walked him, but Jungkook had had enough.

The oldest in the class was Jin. He was new. He approached Jungkook. The others were surprised when Jungkook was nice to anyone who wasn't Tae. Jin pointed out Jungkook looked like a bunny. He gave him 'bunny' as a nickname.

After class, Jin noticed Jungkook left his notebook. He ran him. Tae was near Jungkook when Jin called out to him.

"Bunny, you left your notebook!" Jin handed it to him. Jungkook thanked him.

The school bad boy approached Jungkook and Jin. Jungkook looked at Yoongi. He dragged them to the next class since he heard Jungkook was being nice. Hoseok joined at P.E. Jimin and Namjoon joined after wolf class. Jungkook noticed Tae was getting jealous. Jungkook wasn't usually this social. Tae realized it only began when he started dating the girl his father forced him to. He wanted Jungkook.

Tae broke up with her during lunch. She ran out crying. She had tried isolating Tae. Tae noticed after Jungkook stormed off. She had sat him at a table where it was only her and him. Jungkook and the other 5 were by him. Hoseok dragged him over. Jin was arguing with Namjoon over their kids. Jin refereed to Jungkook as his baby. Tae sat by Jungkook. He was taking his normal power nap at lunch. He had on headphones. Jungkook had stole Tae's hoodie a few months ago, but Tae didn't care.

"So, that's where my hoodie went, you butt?!" Tae hadn't thought Jungkook was the one behind the disappearances of his favorite hoodie. Jungkook smirked.

Tae drove Jungkook home. Jungkook kissed him on the lips before ran inside. Tae smiled. Tae dreaded that he had to go home. His father was obviously mad and his mom was cooking. Tae got mad when he asked why he broke up with her.

"If she was going to just drive Jungkook away, she isn't going to be my girlfriend. Jungkook is the most important person to me. So, he is more important than a stupid female. Did know that he is an omega? I could just go out with him and still have offspring! It is Jungkook or nobody at all!!" Tae glared at him.

His father sighed. "Fine! Just because he is the only one he you are willing to mate with!!"

His mother hugged him. His father took over cooking as his mother went to help Tae pick out an outfit for Tae tomorrow. The girl hated Gucci so that played into the break up, too. He knew Jungkook's taste in clothes. Tae picked out form fitting clothes. He picked the jacket Jungkook bought for his birthday.

Tae got ready faster than usual. He forgot to take his suppressants. He only smelt Jungkook's scent when he got to his house. His parents were gone since they had to leave early in the morning. Tae moved his car into the driveway. He went to his omega. Jungkook had collapsed when getting dressed. He began begging him to take the pain away.

Tae lost control. He slammed into Jungkook with no prep. Jungkook screamed out. Tae was rough. He couldn't control his body. Jungkook suddenly felt pleasure. He moaned out Tae's name. Tae cummed five times.

School had been called off since so many student did come because of heat season. Tae marked Jungkook unknowingly. He fell asleep after Jungkook did. Jungkook blushed when he woke up. Tae moved. He woke up when he didn't feel Jungkook. It wasn't the first time they slept in the same, far from the first.

Jungkook smacked Tae when he saw the mate bite. He was glad they were seniors and neither planned to go to college. There was two months of school left. The others came over. They knew where Jungkook lived since Jimin leaves near and Namjoon was with Jin. Yoongi and Hoseok showed up together. Jimin hugged them. They all agreed to go to Tae's house.

Tae's mom was the only other one there. His father was at work. She was excited to see Jungkook. Jungkook smiled. She smiled back. Jungkook ran to the game room. On the way, he saw a room labeled 'Taehyung's Secret Room. Do Not Enter.' Jungkook got confused. He stood in front of the door. The others came up to find him staring at the door. Tae dragged him to the gaming room.

Jungkook waited until everyone was napping to sneak away. He opened the door to Tae's secret room. A scanner scanned him and verified he was Jeon Jungkook. Jungkook saw the sex toys and punishment things. Tae's mom dragged him out.

"Tae gets mad when anyone he doesn't want in there is in there. His father doesn't even try. Tae is pretty protective over things... Come! It has been a while since you've been here!" She dragged Jungkook to the kitchen.

People from the girl's father's company came in and kidnapped the two. Jungkook was protected by Tae's father. He was kidnapped before them. His father took Mrs. Kim and Jungkook's beatings since he smelt Tae's scent on the younger. His mom blocked Jungkook's view when he was beaten. His mom hide behind the door and killed the men. She grabbed the keys and guns. She carried Mr. Kim.

Jungkook was in charge of making sure Mr. Kim stayed awake. They arrived at the hospital. All four were checked on. The baby was okay and so was Jungkook, minus a cut over a bruise on his right cheek. Mr. Kim was fine, just had to take it easy. He agreed to work from home. Mrs. Kim had no injuries.

Tae hugged them as soon as they got back home. Jungkook was kissed deeply. Jungkook pulled away and said to save it. Tae didn't allow the doors to be unlocked unless someone was leaving or coming in. Jungkook smiled. The others were invited the move in by Mrs. Kim. The five agreed.

The seven worked to move in. Tae helped Jungkook. It took two weeks. Jungkook was tired easily. Tae did most of the work. Hoseok helped Yoongi after he got done. Namjoon helped Jin.

  ~9 Months Later~

  None of the seven planned on going to college. The baby girl, Quinn, was born. She was spoiled by Mrs. and Mr. Kim. Jungkook's parents came over to meet her. They spoiled her even more. Tae, nor Jungkook, had woke up. Jin went to wake them after Mr. Jeon asked. Jin hesitated, but went anyways.

  Jungkook was smacking Tae with a pillow to wake him up. Jin stopped him. He rolled Tae to the floor. Tae didn't get mad. Jin did it a lot.

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