🌻|12|ᴇʏᴇʟᴇss ᴊᴀᴄᴋ|🌻

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Here we go again.

You made friends. They promised. But they forgot, they left, they abandoned you.

They didn't even respond to your text, leaving you on seen. Sure, it was a little thing they did - they forgot to tell you about the movie you three were going to watch, and when you texted them about forgeting you... they left you on seen. They forgot, they left.

You were tired of all those friends who forgot you. It hurts, you know.

When you saw those girls at school and asked them why they didn't tell you, their answer was "I dunno". They didn't even try to say they forgot, or that they didn't want you with them. They knew very well. And you knew too.


Crying, you heard tap on your window. And again. And again.

In 2 minutes you yelled the window was open. After that the window was opened violently and Eyeless Jack stumbled in.

"Hey, idiot, I know I was an asshole the last time but- holy shit, why are you crying?!"

Your face was red and puffy. Your cheeks were still wet. You knew you couldn't hide it. And yet, you tried your best to calm him down.

"H-hey, don't mind it. I'm just a little upset. That's all. It's not important anyway..."

After that, you gave your best fake smile. Oh god, it was scary how alike it was with your sincere one. It was breaking his heart seeing you like that. Oh, how he wondered how many times he had mistaken that smile for the real one.

But he knew it all came too much for you. Your friends, your insecurities and that accident last week. He took out his anger on you, but little did he know how much it hurt you.

"How is it not important?! Is it not important that you're hurt?!"

"It's nothing new, I always end up like that. It's my faulth for having high hopes, though."

"Don't talk like that. You already have a friend who won't leave you."

"Yeah, like who?"

"Um, me. Duh! I mean what am I, a roach?!"

"But last week you were on another page..."

And then he knew how much you thought of it. You thought all he said was his real thoughts. Oh god, he fucked up.

"Hey, I didn't mean it. I just took my anger on you. I didn't want this to end up like that...I'm sorry. I know I fucked up."

"Oh, I thought I was just an useless burden, am I?"

"I didn't- I didn't mean that! People say bad things they are angry, you know."


"I'm sorry, I know I fucked up really bad."

"It's ok."

"Now, how does "two girls die brutally in mysterious situation" sound to you?"

" It sounds very well, you cannibalistic roach"

You cheered up. He was there for you after all. He could have left so many times, yet he stayed.

What a lovely friend you have.

It's just that, to you he's a bit more than a friend...

Hahaahah cliffhanger! Part 2?

Heyyyy. I've got no ideas so here is a thing. It probably isn't very good but I'll try my best with the next one. Don't be afraid to request! Have a nice day or night! Bye Bye!

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