🌻|17|ʟᴀᴜɢʜɪɴɢ ᴊᴀᴄᴋ |🌻

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You were frustraded. Frustraded and confused. And Lj could feel that from miles away.

So, after 10 minutes somebody knocked on your window. So you let him in.

"Hey (Y/n), are you okay?"

"Yes, I have never been feeling any better!"

You pulled out the most sarcastic tone you were able to. You knew he knew, so what was the point in asking?

"Well, I'm pretty sure you are not because-"

"I know you do. And since you do what is the point is asking?!"

"Oh well, okay then. How about we sit on the bed and you tell me about it?"

You sat on your creaking bed (it's a little bitch) and Lj pulled some candy out of his pockets/sleeves (does he have any pockets??).

You gave the candy quite a concerned look, not sure if it's safe to eat it.

"Come on, I won't poison you. Awh, don't you trust your friend?"

"Tch, you are such a manipulating little- holy shit, that's tasty!"

You looked at Lj and he had the smug smile. It was obvious he was waiting for you to say something.

"Okay, okay. You are right, these are tasty and since I trust you I don't think you would poison me."

"So, do you prefer to tell me or to bottle it up?"

"I think it's a better idea to tell you. If I bottle it up it will turn into molotov cocktail...

So, you remember that girl Lily, right? She is quite distant lately. I thought I did something wrong. And out of the blue she told me she has a girlfriend.

And it made sense. I mean, she ignored me more than she did before. And magically her girlfriend is a friend of mine.

Cool, she should pay attention to her girlfriend. But I'm still here. She acts like I'm not texting her or trying to have a contact with her in general.

But the girlfriend doesn't explain the remarks she made.

She was such a "body positive" and "everybody is beautiful" but only for the chubby girls.

If I say that I want to wear a cleavage tshirt and my cleavage is too small I should "suck it up".

If I wear an oversized shirt because it's comfy that it looks like a potato sack on me.

And the thing that annoyed me the most - the jeans. You know my favorite jeans - the big ones with the flower pattern.

She came straight up to me and just said "You don't have enough ass to wear those".

I just feel confident and satified in my own skin and then- baam.

Like, excuse me?! Who is she to tell me how to dress?! "

" Have you ever thought that she doesn't want to be your friend anymore and want to push up away?"

".... You're right. Oh well, I'll live it."

"How can you stay so strong and positive trough everything and then again try to be nice to the biggest asshole?"

"... The first part is just kind of normal thing for me.

I mean, when I was kid like 6 and up if I cried my mom would shout me to stop and my brother would just ask me what is wrong trough stiffrned giggles and I only cried when I was alone or nobody was awake.

The nice is kinda like an instinct. I was always happy when somebody was nice with me and it became habit to try to be nice. Even though sometimes I'm too sarcastic or rude.

The positive is just me. It's just a thing I always had, even when nobody believe in me.

It just feels nice to see them watch me do the things the said I could never be able to even fake."

You just stayed there, staring at each other.

"And a question. Why did you choose to hide under my bed? In my house in general?"

"Well, it's cozy and not too many people come around. And you're a great company."

"Pshh, you scared the living light out of me when I first saw you."


"Tagirui yami no onpu ni hikari ga atte- EEEEEEEE" (please, read the E's like a scream) (and also that's the 2nd opening of Dororo) (if somebody knows the anime, please be my friend)

There is a clown in the doorway. A 2m tall, black-white fucking clown. With razor sharp teeth.

He just stood there confused. As you threw snacks at him.

"WhAt ThE fUcK aRe YoU dOiNg At My HoUsE?!"

"Um, it's my hiding place. Like, I'm just here. I've been here for awhile."


"If I wanted to kill you, you would be dead long time ago."

"Well, you do have a point."

"I just scare you a bit when you're home alone. Like, when you see the pile of clothes and you just stare and say "If there is a demon or something like that and you're staring back at me, your mom's a hoe."

or when you hear the weird noises outside your room, instead of hiding or checking you just to louder noises.

You're fun to play with."


You were something between weirded out, scared shitless and flattered.

Atleast you got a new friend.

Flashback ends

"Yeah, my heart was about to explode. You see, my brother traumatized me with the freak clown mask when I was little. Twice."

"Yeah, that exains a lot. Anyways, let's do something fun!


To be continued? (I think about making 2nd part about you and Lj playing something or something and if I do it right it can be UwU)

Yeet. This is kinda vent because my bestie ignores me and the part with the jeans happened and the thing with mom and my brother and yeah.

So, don't be afraid to request, I always open to requests! I hope you enjoyed! Have a good day or night!

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