Danny V Aizawa: Dawn of Justice

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You get into a battle stance as Aizawa stands on the opposite side of you.

your Classmates train all around you.


You run at Aizawa ready to try to beat him within safe injuries


Aizawa throws his scarf wrapping yo up before slamming you into the ground throwing off yourconcentration.

Aizawa:"You throw your arms out when you're about to use that ability of yours"

he opens his eyes glowing red activating his Quirk

Well this isn't good, Aizawa was right, you do rely on Time Stop to much.

but The World seems to still be around... Which is odd to say the least

but you're not one to look a gift horse in the mouth

Aizawa sends yanks his scarf ropes back an attempt to close the distance you

the World quickly grabs them before ripping them off your body

Aizawa now looks visibly confused, He's attempting to Erase your Quirk how can you still use The World

you then think of something....

Maybe Aizawa Is right, You're nothing without The World.

You've used The World to get out of every situation, you'd be Dead if you Didn't rely on The world for everything.

you bring the world back and get ready to fight Aizawa Without The World.

You lose.... Easily....

but you get up again and charge at him.

He easily steps to the side and knees you in the stomach causing you to almost vomit out your breakfast.

Aizawa:"Weak! see? i told you! You're nothing but a coward without your Quirk"

Danny:"N-No I'm not.... I'm not a coward.... I'm just MUDA!!!!!!"

you spring back uppercutting Aizawa in the chin causing him to step back in recoil.

Danny:"Adult skulls are hard!" you yell clutching your Hurt Knuckles

The only two times you've punched someone with your own fist was Shibu in that Alleyway and Todoroki

But Todoroki's face is so soft

NO! you don't have time to think about how soft Todoroki's face is.

you get ready to continue the fight as Aizawa recovers from your Scrawny 15 year-old Punch.

Aizawa:"Good, you have Spirit, don't ever lose that, It''l be useful later. Now go and Train your Quirk on that mountain" as Aizawa walks away.

you spend the rest of the day punching a mountain and stopping Time to improve your power and speed.

Iida approaches you during your training.

Iida:"Danny? I need to ask you something..."

Danny:"What is it Speedmclain?"

Iida:"I want you-- no... I need you to teach me your Family Technique."

Danny:"Why? You're already super fast, why do you need my family technique?"

Iida:"I've seen you do some amazing things with it and I Need to learn to improve my technique of running"

Danny:"OK but you need to call me Master"


Danny:"Or Sensei would work too..."

Iida:"Y-Yes Dan--- Sensei..."

First you teach Iida the form, Teaching him the breathing technique for it.

While still training your Quirks that is

Danny:"OK that's enough for today, We'll continue tomorrow"


Danny:"You can't rush Power like this, It took me a whole month to get it Perfect, We're just doing the basics"

the class is responsible for making Dinner

turns out Quirks are good for Cooking, Todoroki, Momo, and Bakugo light fires and you use the extra Hands of The world to multi-task.

Stopping time even stops stuff from burning before you can grab it.

the class gets a nice sleep before the next day of training.

You and Iida continue your training to teach him the Family Technique.

Danny:"Ok, We've made it, It is time for you to finally try to perform the technique"

Iida:"Yes, Thank you Sensei for this gift."

Danny:"Oh yeah, Don't use your Engines to start off It's better if you activate your engines after you use the technique."

Iida:"YES SENSEI!!!"

you both get into position as you both take a deep breath and get ready....




you both Run as fast as you can as far as you can.

as you're running you notice Iida's Engines starting to glow with golden energy

Iida activates His engines and a Golden Inferno blasts forth from the holes shooting him at light-speed.

"So this is the HAMON NIGERUNDAYO Uncle Joseph spoke legend of? MAGNIFICENT!!!!!"

Iida then face-plants into a tree and is knocked out.

You try to pretend That you're still training as you walk away.

You train until your knuckles are bloody from the Transferred Damage and you're almost out of breath from all the Time Stops you did.

You're Pretty sure that You are just a few Hours closer to death with all the Time Stops you do.

Eventually The class is given a Test of courage, class 1-B will be trying to do scares and teams of two from 1-A must go through the forest and get pieces of paper, It's kind of like a video game you played as a kid... Skinny? no Malnourished? No Think? NO.

oh well it'll come to you later.

at least the worse thing you'll have to worry about are 1-B and their sneaky Scare Tactics.....


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