Me Abandon Manhood Deku

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you and Shibu talk for a good few minutes catching up

after you hang up you realize that putting on a random mask a maniac made might have been a bit hasty

if the mask had no side effects why would your father not have put it on?

you could still try to learn more about the mask from the diary.

you're on the final few pages of your dad's diary and you find the conclusion on the finished mask.

"The Perfected mask has no weaknesses, It not only improves the Quirk of the wearer it pushes their body past it's own limits. through there are a few side effects, the acupuncture used to unlock the wearers new limit also super charges the brains id. as a result the subjects became far more confident and gave into their desires easily. there are even signs that sexual preference can be affected by the mask."

well that's.... interesting.

the id, that's the part of your brain that controls your primal desires.

but the ego and super-ego usually keep the id in line allowing you to purse your Legal and socially accepted desires like eating or sleeping or... you know.... and suppresses your Dark Illegal Desires Like crime.

but there's even more.

"I am a man without such trivial Desires, I only feed to quench my Thirst, I only rest because I'm Tired, I only Kill to defend myself, and I only breed to Spread my seed. yet even I don't know what effect the mask will have on me, will my control over my desires prevail? or will I be overcome with Lust, Glutton, and Wrath."

so even the great "Dario Brando" didn't even want to put the mask on?

or well he did he was just scared.

but... there might be a way you could test out the masks power.

your dad being so scared of losing his ability to control his desires he created a sort of "Desire training method" so he could over time Control his Desires to a point where he'll barely have any.

but it's really weird.

and gross.

to the point you stop reading after you read "Start fa--"

oh what the hell just put on the mask, you'll figure out the details later.

in fact you have a plan.

The World seems to have it's own personality sometimes... when its convenient.


your fighting spirit appears, it's golden armour glimmering in the sun.

Danny:"Ok, The World I need you to do something"

The World:"Muda? Muda Muda...."

somehow you understand that as "Yes master? What do you require from me? It's Quite early in the morning it is...."

Danny:"I'm going to put on this Mask that will push us past our limits, but it might make us give in to temptation. I need you to Hit me in the crotch every time I get a temptation."

The World:"MUDA!! Muda muda.... Muda(YES SIR!!!! if you get temptation I will make your balls a fine.... mush)"

Danny:"Ok, maybe don't go that far..."

You pick up the mask.

you Prick your finger as to wipe some blood on the mask to activate it.

you get tempted to say "I REJECT MY HUMANITY!!!"

but... you aren't Rejecting it, you're pushing your limits as to protect it.


You place the mask upon your face as bright light bursts forth.

you feel the power flow through you as your Limits are broken.

the mask falls off as you feel like a whole new person.

you get up and are tempted to do a cocky dance around the dorms but The World appears and beats his palm threateningly.

so you simply exit normally as you see if you feel any different.

you see Mineta and you're still able to Hate him but not enough to attack him.

you see Kaminari still recovering from the toaster Bakugou threw at him.

Hmm you never noticed how big Momo's chest I--

The World gives you a glare

Well at least you know you aren't Asexual anymore....


that's going to get really inconvenient Really soon.

but the real question is what are you now?

you do notice how Hot a lot of the girls in your class are.

but you also notice how Cute the boys are... even Shoji and Tokoyami.

you'd think you're Bi but You also kind of notice how the vase has a nice figure....


maybe... maybe not.

as long as you keep any "Desires" under wraps.

but BOY are you hungry.

you could eat a whole pantry....

but what if You can only survive on blood?!?!

you didn't think that through did you?

Oh yeah you have a bunch of blood packs in your dorm.

so you could try some real food then have some blood and see how you feel.

so you Microwave some hot pockets and eat them.

you don't really notice a difference, It was good.

but your still hungry.

so you go upstairs and grab a blood pack.

you almost open it but then you remember you have to drink it through your gauntlets, unless....

you stick your fingers into the pack as you feel Vigor and strength fill your body.

your hunger seems to be sated from the pack.

and on top of that it felt really good.

a lot more tasty then anything else you've eaten.

so guess "Normal" food is a luxury now...

the fact you have to survive on blood now would be pretty bad, if you didn't live in a world with Quirks.

the local blood bank has "Consumables" for Blood related Quirks.

Blood Related Quirks are shunned from society not absolutely banned.

as you're walking down the stairs you see Mina hanging out.

and you get a Disgusting "Mineta" Idea

in anime the MC always ends up in compromising positions with girls.

with the amount Deku has been through He'd be the MC of an Anime.

but there was Camie at the exam.

you can appreciate that situation with your new temptations.

you think you could get a little feel of Mina if you accidentally" fall down the stairs onto her.

you enact this plan just as you see the World materialize...

The World:"I'm sorry master, Orders are Orders... MUDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

So.... this is how you go sterile....

My Hero: The World (Bnha X jjba)[BOOK 1]Where stories live. Discover now