He drives me crazy ( Reece Bibby punk fanfic )

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Amelia's P.O.V

"Come on Amelia! We're going to be late for school!" I hear my older brother, James, yell from downstairs. I nod my head, slinging my purple backpack over my shoulder. I begin to hurry down the stairs and into the living room, where the boy with a quiff is standing. He smiles, "You look lovely Mia. Now come on."

I smile back, following him out of the front door. We walk down the front steps and head towards his car, when I stop. I feel like someone is staring at me. I turn my head to the left to look at the long rows of houses on the other side of ours, and I catch the gaze of a tall boy with light brown / blonde hair. I suck in my breath, examining his tattoos silently. The one that stuck out most was the one of a ship on his right bicep.

The boy looks me up and down, a smirk growing on his face. I roll my eyes, looking away. I continue to walk with James to his car, but I am stopped by my brother grabbing my arm. "You stay away from him. He's trouble," he says in almost a growl.

"Trust me, I can see that James!" I reply, pulling away sharply.

"You don't get it. He'll hurt you." He makes sure to emphasize the world 'hurt'.

"You don't get it. I can see that." I say, putting quotations around 'see'. James huffs, opening the car door. I get it and he slams it shut. My eyes once more drift over to the boy with blondey- brown hair, to now find him walking down a crosswalk. He turns a corner and disappears into an alley. I look back at James, who is now sitting right beside me. I give him a small smile before buckling up my seat belt.

But no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get that boy out of my mind.


"Hey Mia!" came a pippy voice. I look over my shoulder, finding my best friend Jennifer standing directly behind me. I smile, greeting her quietly. "What's wrong? You seem kind of- uh, what's the word? Distracted, today."

"No, I'm fine," I reply, looking down at my feet.

"What is it? Is it a boy? A cute boy? A hot boy?" she asks, biting her lip happily. I shake my head, lying. "You're lying."

"Am not."

"Are too!" Jennifer crosses her arms across her chest, narrowing her eyes at me. "Come on! Just tell me- it's not like I'll gossip about it all over town like Lancashire!" I frown, chewing on my bottom lip nervously.

"Fine. There's this boy in my neighborhood, I've never seen him before in all the years we've lived there, but I think james knows him. He has light brown hair but the top of it is bright blonde and this tattoo of a ship on his- uh, I think it was his right bicep. He's really tall and kind of mysterious looking," I shrug. "James acted like he was dangerous or something."

Jennifer's jaw drops and she stares at me in amazement. My frown widens as the stare continues, "What is it Jen?"

"Amelia, that's Reece Bibby. Remember? That guy that got suspended for two weeks after starting that fight a couple years ago? He almost broke the other guys jaw and snapped his wrist!" As the memory of that day comes flooding back, my interest in him somehow begins to deepen.

"Whoa, really?" I question, trying to avoid the stare she gave me. "I wonder why I've never noticed him before."

"He was living with his aunt for a few months. He just got back a couple weeks ago," Jennifer explains. I frown, exhaling my breath. I look around the hallway, trying to find Reece Bibby. He was no where in sight-

"Watch it!" a voice barked as I collapsed onto the ground. I look over my shoulder, and standing over me is three boys. One with blonde hair, the one who knocked into me, a boy with hardly any hair... and... Reece Bibby. His muscles rippled through his black t-shirt, making him look rather menacing. Tattoos lined his arms and legs, some even going up his neck. His mostly dyed blonde hair is quiffed up almost better than my brother James' but not quite yet.

He looks at me with beautiful dark green- nearly brown eyes, glittering in the dim lighting in the hallway. "S-Sorry," I apologize, picking up my backpack from the ground. I sling it over my shoulder, looking back up at the group of boys.

"You better be," the bald hair cut boy snaps at me, his fists clenching. I wince, chewing on my bottom lip in terror.

"Stop it. You're scaring the poor girl," Reece Bibby speaks after a few seconds of silence. I open my eyes and turn my head to look at him. He's now at the front of the ground, bending down to grab my hand. He helps me up and flashes a weak smile. "Besides. She's Graham's little sister- and unless you two idiots want another black eye, I suggest we get a move on."

What? Black eye? From James?

"Yeah, I guess you're right," the blonde boy says, turning on his heels and walking away. Reece Bibby steps away from me and follows him along with the bald cut boy. My eyes follow them down the hallway until they turn a corner and I can no longer see them.

"Those guys are creeps," Jennifer comments. I nod my head slowly, but I can't help but feel somewhat... attracted to Reece bibby.


What do you think so far? This is gonna be so fun to write and I cant wait, share this around on social media like twitter and vote please!x

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