Chapter 14

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I swallow hard, pacing back and forth in my bedroom. "Casey, do you think this will work?" I say, flashing him a worried frown. Casey sighs, leaning back in my office chair.

"Reece, this will work." He nods his head, "By how she reacted, she must really have feelings for you. No girl suffers with such a heart break, if the feelings were never there. You know, by the sounds of it, she may even be in love with you."

I smile at the thought. The thought of Amelia being in love with me- it sent my heart flying into the sky merrily. I bite my bottom lip, "But you to think she'll forgive me?"

Casey nods. "You got the necklace?" Reece nods, pulling the necklace out of his pocket. Although it was simple, he knew Amelia would love it. The moment he saw it in the jewelry store, he knew she would. He had planned on giving it to her the day before, once they got home from the fight, until James got in the way of everything.

A harsh pain stabbed at Reece's side. He hated himself for agreeing to hurt Amelia the way he did. James had said that Reece didn't deserve her- that if they became a couple, Reece would ruin Amelia's life. But he knew that wasn't true. But out of fear, he agreed to do it anyways. "Yeah, it's right here," he tells his friend. He looks up at his friend, who's smiling widely.

"Just promise me I'll be your best man at the wedding, okay?" Casey chuckles. Reece laughs, grabbing the box off of his dresser. He had bought the necklace, then a box. It was a dark purple color- Amelia's favorite. Reece's smile widens as he slips the necklace inside it. He grabs the note he had written, and lays it on top of the necklace.

"Perfect," he comments, before shutting the box. Outside, rain was pouring down. Just like Reece had hoped it would. He knew that if it were raining out, it would only double the romantic gesture he had planned for Amelia.

"Now go get your girl, Bibby!" Casey says. I nod, and run out of my bedroom- pushing the box in my pocket.

Amelia's P.O.V

I sat in my room, reading my book; 'Divergent'. I was snuggled up in my bed, the blankets piled on top of me. I exhale loudly, not really into reading my book. But I had nothing better to do. The storm knocked the power out so I was reading by flashlight. James had gone out for the night with Jake to some party, so chances are he wont be home till tomorrow or the day afterwards.

Thunder crashed, causing me to scream.

Then, another noise joined it: a knocking sound. My flashlight beams towards the window. There's something on the other side...

I crawl out of bed and tip-toe, not trying to make the floors creek. Once I get closer to the window, I can see the outline of Reece's quiff. I swallow, stopping myself before opening the window.

"Amelia!" he yells so that I can hear as the loud rain beats down. "Open the window! Please!"

I nod slowly, and hesitantly pull the window open. Reece leans over, pulling me into his arms. He struggles at first, almost slipping, but soon he fines a place to fit his feet and he stands there firmly holding me. I bury my face in his wet jacket, feeling tears once more welling up in my eyes.

"Reece, I-I thought you didn't care about me!" I stammer, squeezing him tighter.

"I'm sorry! Amelia," he pulls away, keeping me at arms length, "I do care about you! In fact, I-I love you!

I stare at him, my eyes widening. A smile is painted across my face, "You l-love me?"

Reece nods, gripping me tightly. "Yes! Amelia, I'm so in love with you I climb up a three story building just to get to you! I'm crazy about you, Lia!" I blush at the nickname he gave me, my hands clutching his forearms.

"I'm crazy about you too," I said through tears. I hiccup, starting to laugh. "I need you in my life Reece. No matter what I said, I do. I need you- so much. Don't ever leave me again. I love you!" Reece smiles, pulling me closer to him. He leans in, brushing his lips against mine softly. I smile into the kiss, cupping his face. Not breaking the kiss, I help Reecd in through the window so that he is in the room.

We pull away to shut the window and shades. "Here, take your clothes off. They're all wet!" I said with a chuckle, sliding off Reece's black jacket. He smiles at me, nodding. I help slip his shirt off, and I can't help but stare.

"I'm so sorry, Lia," he says very gently.

I frown, hiccupping again. "Why'd you t-tell me you didn't care about m-me?"

"James." More tears roll down my eyes as he says that. My own damn brother tried to separate me and the boy I'm so in love with- that asshole. I wrap my arms around Reece and kiss him passionately. He chuckles into the kiss, wrapping his arms around me.

I pull away for a slight second, "Let's get you out of those wet clothes.

"Hmm," Reece hums, beginning to kiss me again. Not breaking it, I help Reece pulls his pants off. He then lifts me up and starts to carry me over to the bed. He drops me down on it, and then crawls on top of me. The kiss becomes more rough as Reece's hands start to pull down my tiny shorts. I giggle, my hands gripping his biceps. "Lia," Reece pretends to moan. I laugh, pulling my face away from his. He takes my shorts off, then grabs my shirt. He pulls it off over my head, leaving me in nothing except my bra and underwear. I blush, staring at a huge bulge in Reece's boxers. I smile at him, reconnecting our lips briefly before shoving him off of me. We both start to laugh as I get on top of him; straddling his waist.

"I love you," I say quietly.

"I love you too, Amelia," he whispers, leaning up to quickly kiss my lips. He reluctantly pulls away, and lays his head back down on the pillow. "I promise I'm going to make you the happiest girl in the world." I giggle, playing with his quiff, it now messy hanging down in front of his face. "I'm not joking Lia."

I smile down at him, "You're so sweet."

He leans up, so that our faces are level, and he says with a very large smile, showing me his adorable dimples. "Amelia Graham, will you please be mine?"

I bite my bottom lip, almost on the verge of tears. "Of course Reece!" I exclaim, locking our lips. We continue to kiss, until we are both naked and under the covers.

* * *

I wake up, my head aching like hell. I groan, rubbing it slightly. Next to me, something shifts. I almost scream, until I remember Reece. I look at him, his face smushed against the pillow. His arm is wrapped protectively around me, which makes me smile. Our bare bodies are pressed tightly against each others.

I was so in love with this boy...

I glance at the clock. It was nine in the morning. I sigh, laying my head back down. Thank god it was Saturday- or else I would have freaked. Instead, I just snuggle back into my boyfriend's arms and try to fall back asleep.

I woke up again a few hours ago, being shaken by someone. "Wake up, baby. Lia, wake up." My eyes flutter open to find Reece hovering over me. He smiles brightly, leaning down to kiss my lips. "Good morning gorgeous."

"Morning," I reply with a yawn. I sit up, stretching. Reece chuckles, grabbing my hand. "Sleep well?"

"I slept with you- of course I slept well!" Reece winks at me, causing me to giggle. I roll my eyes, playfully smacking his arm. "I love you so much."

"I love you more!" I challenge.

"Nope, not possible," Reece shakes his head, pulling me back into his arms. I bury my face in his chest, inhaling his minty scent.


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