Chapter 28

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"Mum!" Reece whined when she told me the story about his sixth birthday party and how he attempted to do a backflip and kicked a clown in the face. I laughed, poking him with my index finger.

"Don't be so embarrassed! It's cute!" I insist. Reece smiles, his cheeks still deep red.

"How about I show baby-"

"No Mum!" Reece quickly said, covering his face with the palm of his hand. The boys had already left, leaving Reece, Lyndsey, and I alone at the house. I didn't want to sound rude, but I really wanted Lyndsey to leave for her trip so Reece and I could be alone. I could tell he was getting antsy too; he kept grabbing my arm, or my hand, one time even my ass.

"Oh fine!" Lyndsey chuckled, wrapping Reece up in her arms. "Well, I best be on my way. Bye baby, love you."

"Love you too Mum," he said, kissing her on the cheek.

Lyndsey grinned. "Now have fun- but not too much fun!" She laughed at her own joke. "Bye Amelia; it was nice seeing you again."

"Bye Lyndsey," I replied as she pulled me into a small hug. She pulled away with a smile.

"Now Reece, I'll be back in time to see you off, okay?" she says, and I can hear her heart breaking as she says this.

Reece clears his throat. "O-Okay..." I glance at him. All the color that had been in his eyes seconds before had disappeared. I bit my bottom lip as he hugged his mum one last time. "Love you."

"Love you too sweetie," she say. Lyndsey pulled away and left the room. Reece stared down at his shoes, saying nothing.

"You alright?" I ask, grabbing his hand. I rubbed my thumb over his knuckles, making him sigh.

"I'm fine... it's just hard leaving everything I know and love." Reece looks up at me, licking his lips. "I love you so much Amelia."

"I love you too Reece," I say, leaning over to gently kiss his moist lips. Reece smiles into the kiss, wrapping his arms around my small waist. He picks me up and twirls me around. When he sets me down, I start to laugh. "You're so sweet and adorable."

He runs his hand through my hair, keeping our eyes locked. "You're sweet, adorable, gorgeous, and perfect." I smiled at him, once more connecting our lips. "Let's go upstairs." I nodded, jumping up into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist and allowed him to carry me up to his room. He shut the door and laid me down on his bed. "Do you want music?"

I laughed. "Music?"

"Yeah; I heard people say you can go longer with music playing and we need to go as long as possible tonight," he says softly.

I grinned, caressing his cheek. "Turn it up as loud as you can." He smirks, kissing my lips. He jumps off of the bed and goes over to his stereo.

"I made a CD for us," he says sheepishly, looking over at me. He opened the disc-thing and placed a CD in it.

I smiled. "Really?" He nods. "Aww; you're so sweet Reece." Feels Like the First Time by Foreigner came on and I giggled at his song choices. "What's all on this CD?"

Reece came over to me, sliding his shirt off. "You'll just have to see."

* * *

"Oh Reece!" I moaned as Stereo Hearts by Gym Class Heroes and Adam Levine played. He was thrusting inside of me, making me both scream and cry at the same time; for some reason, it kind of hurt tonight. "Faster! Oh god!" I begged, squeezing his biceps. Reece grunted, and I could feel his paper airplane necklace drop down onto my chest from above. "Reece!" I screamed.

"I love it... when you moan..." he says, laughing a little. He let a small moan slip free of his lips, making me smirk.

"You're so sexy when you moan," I comment, making him go harder inside of me. We both moaned in sync, making me laugh. "Correction; you're sexy when you do anything. Uh... Reece..."

Reece slowly pulled out of me, "Babe, I'm about to-" Reece stopped midsentence before letting out a deep moan. He laid down on top of me, and soon I felt his orgasm on the sheets. I smoothed back his hair, making him sigh.

"I haven't even touched you yet, and you're already getting the sheets wet!" I laughed, kissing the top of his head. As Stereo Hearts ended,
Hot by Avril Lavigne started. I grinned, getting on top of him. "How'd you know I loved this song?"

"I didn't; I just get horny every time I hear it." I giggled, kissing him gently.

* * *

reece and I lay in a sweaty, sticky puddle on his bed, both of us panting hysterically. "God I love fucking you," he says, kissing my lips gently.

"God I love it when you rock me," I grinned, kissing back.

"Rock your body, yeah yeah, everybody." He sang in his deep voice.

"one of your 'Stereo kicks' songs?" I ask.

"Well Yeah we did a cover of it."

"Too bad Tom didn't like you anymore; I'd love to hear you guys play."

"I'd love you to too, but we all gave up on that so long ago."

"You shouldn't have; you're covers are really good."

"You're just saying that because you're my baby."

"No, I'm saying that because it's true: you're amazing Reece. And so is James and I'm sure Chris, Barclay, Charlie, Jake, Tom and casey. Maybe you could all go out for the X-Factor or something?"

"You've never even heard us perform together!" he laughs, poking me.

"So?" I reply. "Reece, you're all talented and I think you could make it. I can see Stereo kicks on every cover of every magazine, selling out stadiums all over the world, breaking records on YouTube, winning awards..."

Reece smiled, caressing my cheek. "I love your enthusiasm babe, but I really don't want that. I just want a normal life with you here." I shrugged sadly, kissing his nose. "I wrote a song for you," he whispers.

"Can I hear it?" I ask.

"I'll show you in the morning, okay baby?" he replies. I nodded. Reece didn't leave until eight o'clock at night, so we had all day tomorrow to be together before he left.


Sorry thinks got a little detailed in this chapter ;) I'm sure you guys loved it though hahaha! Jk please keep voting Thankyou :)

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