Chapter 37

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*Reece's POV*

"Please babe, take it for me?" I beg, handing Amelia the pill that James had said would make her feel better. She groaned, shaking her head stubbornly. I sighed, running my hand through her silky hair. "Lia, please?"

"I can't Reece! I hate taking pills!" she whined, grabbing my arm pleadingly. "Don't make me Reece! Pwease?"

"Don't you want to feel better?" I ask soothingly, leaning down to nuzzle our noses. I knew she couldn't say no when I did that. "Don't you?"

"F-Fine," she stammers, licking her lips. I pull away, grabbing the cup of water off of the side table.

"Open up love," I instruct and Amelia's mouth opens wide. I pop the pill into her mouth and tip the cup on her lips. She swallows it down, grimacing.

"I hate that feeling," she comments, laying her head on my lap. I gently caress the top of her head, sighing softly. Amelia seemed to be feeling better, but she was still throwing up like every ten minutes. I was really worried about her; what was wrong? "Reece, am I pregnant?" she asks suddenly.

My eyes widened. "FUCK!" I yelled, slamming my head against the wall. Why hadn't I thought of that before? Of course that's what's wrong! Oh fuck! Fuck! FUCK!

Wait, did we use protection? I know the first two times we didn't, but that was seven months ago. We would already know. That last few times... did we? I don't remember. I bite my bottom lip, leaning down to kiss her head, "I-I don't know baby. But no matter what happens, I'll be by your side always."

"I love you," she whispered, taking my hand in hers. I gently kissed each of her fingers, letting the idea of my girlfriend being pregnant sank in. What if she was pregnant? What would we do? We were still kids ourselves, we couldn't take care of a child. And what about Amelia? I knew she wanted to go to college, and secretly so did I. We both wanted futures, futures that couldn't happen if we had a child so soon.

"I love you too sweetheart," I say, leaning over to caress her rosy cheek. I smiled, feeling it slightly cooler than it had felt earlier. "You're fever is down."

"Yay," Amelia yawns tiredly, snuggling closer to me.

"Go to sleep, babe. You need some rest," I comment, laying down on Amelia's bed. I pulled her head off my lap and dropped her beside me, her head now resting in the crook of my neck. I felt her soft breaths glide past my neck, making me smile. "Night, darling."

"Night ree," she whispers and soon she falls into a deep sleep. I exhale, shutting my eyes. I've been up almost two days straight taking care of Amelia. Sleep would feel so nice...

The last thought I had before falling asleep was 'we've never used a condom'...

* * *

"Hey! She's up!" James exclaims as Amelia and I walk downstairs, Amelia still warm and snug in her pink robe. She leaned against me for support, her legs wobbling a little. She laughed dryly at his comment, smiling a cheeky yet sad smile. Since the moment we woke up, she's been worrying non-stop about the possibility she may be pregnant. I promised to go out and buy a test as soon as James left for his job at some restaurant. McDonalds maybe?

"Yeah, Reece said that getting up and walking around might make me feel a little better," she lied. Honestly, she'd grown too restless thinking about the pregnancy so she wanted to come downstairs. And she was hungry. Very hungry.

"That's true. Just laying there wont do you much good," he nods, taking a drink of his tea. He exhales, checking the clock. "I have to go. I'm going to be late." He set the cup in the sink, walking over to kiss Amelia's cheek. "I'll be back a little later; Camilia invited me to dinner. Is that okay?"

"Of course," Amelia nodded. "I have Reece to keep me company."

James smiled, giving her a quick hug. "Feel better, marshmallow!" She laughed, looking over at me. "Bye James."

"Bye mate," I say as he runs out the door, car keys in hand. "'Marshmallow'?" I chuckle, looking at her. She blushed, looking down at the ground. I laughed, walking over to her. I cupped her face, making our eyes connect. "I like it. It fits you perfectly."

"Are you calling me big and fluffy?" she giggles. "Like a bunny rabbit?"

I smile, leaning out foreheads against one another's. "Nope, you're just sexy like a marshmallow."

"Marshmallows are sexy?"

"Not sure. Are they?" I smirk, kissing her nose.

"Not as sexy as you, that's for sure," Amelia wraps her arms around my neck.

"You sure are feeling better."

"Yeah," she nods, nuzzling our noses together like I had done the night previous. I chuckle, kissing the side of her mouth. "I'm feeling a lot better."

"Good," I whisper.

"Go get the test," she giggles, slowly pushing me away.

"Hey! We were having a moment!" I frown, crossing my arms across my chest.

"Please Reece? I really want to know!" Amelia says, grabbing my hands. I exhale and stare into those gorgeous honey eyes. I really didn't want to do this. Amelia and I have never had protected sex. Not once. The chances of her being pregnant were pretty high. Like 99%. But hopefully that 1% will prevail. Not to be cruel or anything, but Amelia and I really can't have a baby right now. We're not ready.

"Alright," I whisper, kissing her forehead. I pull away, turning towards the door. "I'll be right back, babe."

"Kay," she says, already opening the fridge. "Bye."

"Bye sweetie," I say, walking out of the door.


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