Chapter 42

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I pulled my hair into a pony tail, smiling at myself in the mirror as I did so. I applied a light layer of lipstick, puckering my lips with a giggle. "Too much make-up," I heard from behind me. I whipped around, finding Reece leaning against the wall near the now opened window. A soft breeze blew in, making my hair flow behind my in the pony. Reece's hair whipped around, but he didn't seem to take notice as he stared intently at me.

"Why didn't you tell me about the party tonight?" I asked, ignoring his earlier comment.

"You're wearing too much," he repeated, walking towards me. We were two feet away when he placed his hands on my shoulders, staring into my eyes. "You should take some of it off- you look a lot more beautiful without it."

"Reece, you didn't answer my question," I narrow my eyes. Reece shakes his head, his left hand coming up to caress my cheek. His finger slowly slipped down from my eyes down to my jaw, then down my neck to my collarbone. "Reece-"

"I didn't tell you because I didn't think you'd want to go. I thought you'd just want a quiet night alone at home since James was gone," Reece's voice was deep and sexy, making my spine tingle slightly. He ducked his head slowly next to my head, his lips pressing against my skin. I bit my lip, shutting my eyes.

"Reece, I want to go to this party. I've never been to one before and I'm a senior- it's pathetic," I groan, pushing his inviting lips away. Reece frowns at me like a sad puppy dog, his eyes scanning my face silently. "Please babe? Then when we come home, I'll give you a 'thank you for taking me to the party' gift?" I stepped towards him, wrapping my bare arms around his neck. I was in nothing except a towel, since I had just came out of the shower moments before.

Reece smirked, licking his lips. "I do like your gifts..." I giggled, getting on my tip-toes to kiss his lips. Reece chuckles, smoothing back my hair. "Fine. Let's go to the party."

"Yay!" I say, burying my face in his shoulder. Reece lifted me up and started to twirl my around. I laughed as he set me down, kissing him quickly.

"So what are you wearing, anyways?" he asks as I turn back around to look in the mirror atop of my blue vanity. He wraps his arms around me, setting his head on my shoulder.

"Jennifer picked it out for me- but it's kind of slutty," I replied, looking at him nervously.

"Lemme see!" he grins. I roll my eyes, walking over to my bed where Jennifer had laid it. I held it out to show Reece, and I could see the hunger in his eyes increase. He bit his lip, looking as though he were about to moan or something. "She has good taste."

I blushed, setting it back down. I looked at him, smiling. "She said you'd like it."

"Babe, I love it," he says, walking over to me. His hands reach for my towel, "Now let me help you change." I could feel by the way his hands trembled when they touched me that Reece was turned on- really turned on. I smirked, pushing his warm hands away.

"No, because we both know what happens whenever you see me naked," I said, my blush deepening as I said that.

Reece chuckled, kissing my forehead. "Fine. I'll wait downstairs." I grinned, watching him as he turned and exited the room, leaving me alone.

* * *

"There you are!" Jennifer called as reece and I walked into the party, Reece's arm tangled tightly against my waist to pull my body against his. She stood with Chris, Charlie , Casey, Barclay, Tom Jake and two other girls. "I was wondering if you two were going to show up."

"We're here," I tell her with a smile. Jennifer nods and then is sucked into a conversation with Chris and Casey. Charlie looks at me, "Amelia, this is Rachel, Casey's girlfriend, and this is my girlfriend- Olivia." I looked at the two girls- one with dark brown hair and one with blonde hair. Both were dressed casual- not slutty like Jennifer, who wore a crop top and ripped shorts.

The one with the brown hair's face lit up and she ran over to me. "So you're Amelia! I've been wanting to meet you for so long! Reece talks nonstop about you!" she grins. "I'm Olivia."

I smiled back at her, "Nice to meet you."

"Backatcha!" she giggles as Charlie takes her hand. They walk off in another direction, leaving Reece and I with the blonde girl.

"Hi, I'm Rachel," she said with a shy smile.

"That's a pretty name," I comment as we shake hands slowly. Reece quickly kisses my head.

"Want anything to drink?" he asks.

"Erm... nothing with alcohol," I reply.

"You came to a college party... to not drink?" Casey scoffed.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not going to drink. I don't think I'm ready."

"That's completely fine love," Reece said, giving me a warm smile. He quickly kisses my cheek. "I'll be right back, okay? Stay with Rachel or Jennifer." I nodded as he walked off, leaving me with them.

I looked at Rachel, who was looking around nervously. "First party?" She nods. "Me too."

"I didn't want to come, but Casey said I should try to get out more. He's worried I'll become a shut in or something," she shrugs.

"How long have you two been dating?" I said, trying to lighten the conversation.

"Five years, almost six," she said smiling. "We're engaged to be engaged actually." I chuckled towards her, making her laugh too.

"How about you and Reece?"

"Umm... a little over a year," I reply.

"Wow, that's the longest Reece's ever been with a someone," Rachel commented, looking at me with a smile.

My cheeks heated up. "R-Really?"

"Yeah." Rachel smiled, until she was pulled away abruptly by her tattooed boyfriend. She giggled, throwing her arms around his neck. Casey grinned, kissing her lips softly.

I smiled. Casey may be a total asshole, but maybe things were different with Rachel. She was his soft point- like how I was Reece's. I smiled, looking around for James. That's when I saw it: James in the corner, kissing some blonde haired girl. Who was not camilia.


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