Chapter 38

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"Amelia, I got it," I say, walking into the kitchen. She looked up from stuffing her face with cookies, which made me laugh. "God you're adorable."

Amelia blushed, looking down. She wiped the cookie off her face, swallowing what was left of her breakfast. She took a drink of milk, looking back at me. "Y-You did?" I take a deep breath, nodding. I walk over to the table and set the bag on the table. I pull out three pregnancy tests and also some suckers, Amelia's favorites. "Suckers!" she squeals, grabbing one. I laugh before pulling out two bottles of Pepsi. "How much stuff did you buy?"

"I just got special stuff for you," I say, pushing a bottle towards her. She grins, grabbing it and a strawberry sucker.

"You're the best Reece," she comments, making me grin.

"No, you are," I kiss the top of her head, smoothing back her hair.

"Can I finish breakfast before I, erm, you know. Take the tests?" she asks awkwardly.

"Of course, angel," I say, sitting beside her. She grins, grabbing another cookie. She slides it over to me and then grabs one for herself. I put the cookie in the air, "To us not having a baby."

"Reece!" Amelia scolds, placing her free hand on her stomach. "What if I am pregnant? You sound like a dick!"

I laugh, rolling my eyes. "Sorry little baby," I say, reaching over to pat her stomach. "I just... I'm scared. You know. We're still kids and I don't know if I'm ready to have children. Are you?"

"Of course not! But if I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant. There's nothing we can do about it," Amelia sighs, looking at me sadly.

I lick my lips, grabbing the last thing out of the bag. "Yes there is," I say. I show her the box of condoms, "For once we can use protection."

"We used protection!" she says. "On your birthday when we had sex you used the condoms that Louis had given you- wait, didn't you?"

"No! We did it in the spur of the moment! All I was concentrating on was fucking the life out of you! Protection was the last thing on my mind!" I groan guiltily. "I'm sorry baby. I don't think I've ever used protection."

Amelia licks her lips, "I have."

"What?" I ask questioningly.

"Most of the times we've had sex I was on the pill," she tells me.

My eyes widen, a slight smile coming to my lips. "R-Really?"

"Yeah, trust me; my mum drilled it in my head after we started dating. That's the only time she's called since I came to live with James," she sighed. "And all she did was lecture me."

I frowned, leaning over to grab her hand. "I'm sorry love."

"Don't be," Amelia smiled weakly. I lean over, kissing her cheek.


Life lesson: always use protection even if you're in the 'spur of the moment' ;)

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