Chapter 45

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I wrapped my arms around myself, feeling the late spring breeze brush past me. I looked to my side at my boyfriend, who sat leaning against the trunk of the willow tree. "I can't believe you're leaving," he whispered. I couldn't say anything as tears slowly drizzled down my cheeks. "You're leaving me."

"I'm not leaving you," I said, anger rising in my voice. I sniffled, wiping away some tears. "Reece, going to Oxford is really important to me! Why can't you understand that?"

"Because-" Reece yelled, but his voice broke as he started to sob. "I don't want you to leave me! I want you to stay here s-so we can get married like we planned to a-and be together-"

"Baby, we're still going to do all that!" I say, getting on my knees in front of him. I cup Reece's face, bringing it closer to mine. "Just after we get done with college."

Reece shook his head. "N-No. I want to do it now! I d-don't want you to leave and be gone for so long! I want you t-to stay with me. I love you."

"I love you too Reece," I whispered, caressing his tear streaked cheeks. "I love you more than anything in this world. But I need to do this Reece."

Reece sniffled, looking into my eyes. "I know. I-It's just hard to see you leave. To watch you g-go and know you're not coming back for so long... I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you too, but I'll be home before you know it." It was true. I'd be back in October since it was my birthday, then again in December, then again in January for James birthday, then again in summer for Reece's birthday... we'll get through this. I know we will.

"But you wont be home soon enough!" Reece said, shaking his head. He pulled away, choking on his tears.

"Reece?" I whispered. "Reece?" I laid my hand on his arm, but he wouldn't look at me. "I'm sorry."

"Don't be," he replied, looking at me. "Amelia, I'm sorry I'm acting like this. This is so huge and amazing for you and I'm being a selfish baby-"

"No you're not!" I say, wrapping my arms around him. "You're acting just like I did when you were leaving to live with your dad."

"No, you weren't this bad."

"Says who? I was falling apart without you!"

Reece shook his head, burying his face in my neck. I kissed the top of his head, rocking him back and forth soothingly. He sobbed into my skin, making me sigh softly. "I love you Reece."

"I love you too," he whispered.



"This is where we had our first kiss."

Reece slowly pulled away, smiling as he did. He wiped away some tears, "I-It is, isn't it?" I nodded, leaning towards him. My lips brushed against his slowly, sending sparks through us.

* * *

"Good luck Lia," Reece said as I started walking towards the terminal. My stomach was doing backflips as he, James, and Jennifer lead me to my plane that was leaving for Oxford in less than twenty minutes. I looked over at him, biting my bottom lip. His hand reached over, grabbing mine.

"Thanks Reece," I stammered nervously.

"Don't be nervous Mia," James said. "You're going to kick ass at that school."

I smiled, looking at the people around me. I sniffled, even though I wasn't crying. I wanted to, though. So badly. But I refrained, turning to look at all of them. "I love you guys. You're the best," I say. James exhaled, reaching over to grab me. He slammed my body against his in a warm hug. I squeezed him tightly.

"I'm going to miss you so much," he whispered into my ear.

"I'm going to miss you too."

James pulled away slowly. "Good luck sis."

I smiled as Jennifer brought me into another hug. "Good luck girlfriend," she said with a small giggle. "I'm going to miss you."

"I'll miss you to Jen," I say, squeezing her.

"Don't find another best friend while you're there, got it?" she said, narrowing her eyes at me. I laughed, nodding my head. "Good." When she let go of me, I took a deep breath. Reece was the last one. I knew he was going to be the hardest too.

When I looked up into his gorgeous hazel brown eyes, I could practically see his heart tearing itself to pieces as he looked at me. "H-Have fun, okay?" he said softly.

"I will," I replied. Reece pulled something out of his coat pocket and handed it to me. It was a small box.

I looked up at him questioningly. "Open it later, okay?" he instructed. I nodded my head. "I love you so damn much," Reece said, bringing my body against his. He locked our lips, sending that amazing feeling through my body. I wrapped my arms around him and squeezed the life out of him.

"Flight 306 to Oxford is now boarding," the intercom said, making us pull away.

Reece's face fell as I said, "That's my flight."

He slowly nodded, caressing my cheek. "Y-Yeah." Pause. "Good luck."

"Thanks. I love you."

"I love you too."

"See you in a few months."

* * *

I was sitting on the airplane, watching as we flew over hills and little small buildings, where Oxford awaited. I suddenly remembered the box Reece had given me hours before at the airport back home in Lancashire. I quickly pulled it out of my coat pocket, and with trembling fingers opened it.

It was an engagement ring.


I wrote this while listening to Tenerife Sea by ed sheeran and it made it so cute and sad at the same time!

Are they finally gonna get married?!

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