Chapter 30

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*Reece's P.O.V*

I watched as Amelia reloaded her Nerf gun, making me grin like an idiot. I placed my finger on the trigger, raising it up slowly and carefully. I let it go, and Amelia was hit. She turned, looking at me as her jaw dropped. "You jerk!" she laughed, raising her gun. She shot at me, but I dodged every one.

I laughed, running away like a six year old. "Get back here!" Amelia yelled, following me up the stairs. I ran into my room and hid behind the door, waiting for her to come in. She slowly tip-toed inside, glancing around to see if I was in the room. I slammed the door shut, pulling her into my arms. I kissed her with all of the passion I had inside of me in the pitch blackness, my hands pulling at her shirt fabric. We both dropped our guns, getting lost in the kiss. I picked her up and twirled her petite body around.

When we pulled away, I grinned. "God I love you," I mumbled.

"Oh babe," she says, kissing me again. "Reece?"

"Yeah?" I ask. Suddenly, I'm hit in the stomach with a dart.

"I win!" she giggles as the lights flicker on. She was holding her gun to my stomach, this adorable smirk on her face. My jaw dropped, looking down into her mischievous eyes.

"You little-" before I finished my sentence, I picked her up. She dropped the gun, laughing loudly. I carried her over to the bed. I dropped her down, grinning like the love-sick idiot I was. Amelia propped herself up on her elbows and looked at me, making butterflies fill my stomach. Goddamn this fucking love. Amelia drove me crazy- she was sending me to the brink of madness with her perfectness. The love I felt for her was so strong, that I can't even put it into words. I was in love with the love I felt for her; did that even make any sense? I don't care. Nothing makes sense right now, and they probably never will.

"Reece?" her gorgeous voice fills my ears.

"Yes baby?" I reply, looking into her eyes.

"Are you okay? You were just standing there for like... five minutes!" she giggles, looking into my eyes. I stared back, biting my bottom lip. Goddamn her eyes!

"Sorry, I was just thinking." I leaned down, kissing her lips. "Now, I'm going to congratulate you on winning."

"Oh, and how are you going to do that Bibby?" she questions, but she's already unbuttoning her shirt. I smiled, sliding my own shirt off.

"Trust me; you'll see."

* * *

I bit my bottom lip as Amelia slid on her shirt, glancing over at me. "What?" she giggles. I smiled, scanning over her beautiful face. God. charlie's right; Amelia will be the death of me. She's making me go crazy.

"You're flawless," I say, getting to my feet. "Scratch that; you're beyond flawless. You're so flawless, I can't even put it in words! Goddamn it!" I cup her face, bringing our lips together.

She laughed, caressing my cheek. "What is it with you and saying 'goddamn it' all of a sudden?"

I licked my freshly-kissed lips, looking into those gorgeous eyes. She made me melt straight to the floor. "I don't know... I just- goddamn it! I can't think straight when I'm around you and that's what's going through my mind because you're driving me crazy! I love you! Goddamn it I love you! Fuck me! I love you Amelia! Fuck the world! Fuck life! Goddamn it I fucking love you!" Suddenly, my knees buckled. I pulled away, sitting down on the bed before I collapsed.

"R-Reece?" I heard Amelia stammer. I looked at her, beginning to tremble. She sat down, wrapping her arm around me.

"I-I'm sorry... I don't know what's wrong with me all of a sudden," I shrugged.

"You're just panicking because you're going to your dad's. That's all it is babe," she assured me, rubbing my back. I swallowed, laying my head on her shoulder. I kissed her collarbone, feeling my eyes fill with tears.

"L-Let's leave so I wont have to go," I say, my voice trembling. "We c-can go away; just you and I. F-Forever."

"Oh Reece, you know we can't do that," she whispered, smoothing back my hair.

"Y-Yes we can!" I yell, pulling away. "Lia, I can't leave y-you! I can't just fucking pack u-up and leave! I can't! I just can't!"


"Don't argue! P-Please don't!" I sob, my hands reaching out to clutch hers. I began to shake.

"Babe," Amelia coos, bringing me into her arms. I buried my face in her shoulder, crying like a little child. "Sh... it's going to b-be okay." Goddamn it! Now she's crying! This is all my goddamn fault!

"I-I'm sorry," I whispered. "I'm so sorry, Amelia. I love you."

"Don't be sorry, babe. It's f-fine," she whispered. "I love you so much reecey..." Amelia kissed the side of my head, making me pull away. Tears stained her precious rosy cheeks, making my heart break.

"P-Please don't cry," I beg. I wiped away her tears with my thumb, then kissed the still-remaining streams away. "As pretty as you look when y-you cry, I hate it so goddamn much!"

Amelia laughed, pecking my lips. "Only if you stop crying."

"Anything for you," I whisper, pulling her onto my lap.


so... this chapter kinda explains the title. FINALLY.

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