Chapter 33

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*Amelia's P.O.V*

"Mia! Wake up!" I heard someone yell, and my blankets were rudely ripped off of my bed.

"Leave me alone James!" I complained, burying my face deeper into my pillow.

"Nope! We're going out today to get your mind of re- I mean, you know." I felt him sit down as the bed sunk. "Please Mia? I hate seeing you so sad..."

"I'm fine," I mumble as he lays his hand on my hip. I sniffle, looking at him sadly.

"No you're not. You need fresh air. We're going to go hang out with Chris and Charlie, okay?"

"So no dipshit Casey?" I ask, sitting up with a smile.

"Nope! No 'dipshit Casey'!" I exhaled with a growing smile.

"Okay," I agreed.

"Now get dressed!" he instructed, marching out of the room. My smile immediately disappeared, and I let more tears drizzle down my cheeks. It's only been a week and a half, but I feel like shit without Reece. I missed him- I missed us. He couldn't come down last weekend because he dad grounded him for loosing his temper over his dad's girlfriend being pregnant, and he couldn't come down this weekend because his dad's stupid girlfriend had to go to the fucking doctor and Reece had to go with for some dumb fucking reason.

I pushed the covers back, getting out of bed. I got dressed in my Wolverine t-shirt and jeans, ran a comb through my hair, and ran downstairs. James was on his phone, probably texting his girlfriend camilia who was away at college. Did I remember to tell you James flunked twice? Yeah, he's suppose to be a sophomore in college but instead he's still in high school.

"Hey James," I said, tapping his shoulder. "Ready to go?"

"Yeah. Let's hit the road!" he grinned, getting up. James grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the front door.

* * *

"No guys. I'm not ready for that," I say as chris hands me a beer can.

"Come on Mia; it's just one! You can't get drunk from one beer!" Charlie insisted, already on his third.

"I'm not ready for alcohol!" I fought, shoving it away.

"Leave her alone, guys. She's being smart about this, anyways," James pointed out from beside me. I nodded, leaning back against the trunk of the tree.

"Reece told me to tell you hi," Charlie suddenly says, glancing down at his phone. "And he wants a nude picture."

"WHAT?" James yelled, crushing his can.

Charlie started laughing. "I'm just kidding! He said he wanted a picture to see how beautiful Amelia's gotten while he's been gone." The air was sucked straight from my lungs. ...while he's gone. I hated that word. Gone. It sounded so... empty. So meaningless. Just like how I felt without Reece.

Tears welled up in my eyes, but I pushed them away. "O-Oh..." Arms wrapped around me tightly, and I buried my face in their chest. Soon enough, soft lips pressed against my forehead and I knew it was Charlie. He rubbed my back soothingly, which only made me cry harder.

"Amelia," he cooed, squeezing me. He brought me onto his lap and I wrapped my arms around his neck. Suddenly, a flash went off. I pulled away from Charlie, looking around. Chris had snapped a picture with his phone.

"Chris?" I asked him quizzically.

"Sending it to Reece so he can see how beautiful you've gotten," Chris smirks, and he hits send. My jaw drops: how could he do that? It looked like Charlie and I were cuddling, like couples. Like Reece and I.

"Chris Fucking Leonard!" I yelled, when suddenly my phone went off. I gulped, pulling it out. I opened the text, finding the picture of Charlie and I. I exhaled, biting my lip.

"Don't worry, I didn't send it to him." Chris shrugged, still smirking. I rolled my eyes, getting off of Charlie.

"Give me that," I said, grabbing the can that Chris had been offering me. I opened it and took a drink, plopping down next to James. They all started to laugh. "Go fuck yourselves," I mumbled.

"Why should we when you can do it for us?" Charlie asked, scooting closer to me. I began feeling really uncomfortable, so I moved closer to James. He wrapped his arm protectively around me, keeping me away from Charlie.

"Perv," I hiss, burying my face in James' shoulder.

"Not what you were saying thirty seconds ago." Charlie shrugged, looking at Chris.

"Shut up," James growled.

"Yeah, I can still send that picture to Reece," Chris said to Charlie. "And tell him what you just said to his girlfriend."

Charlie groaned. "Sorry Amelia."

"Whatever," I mumbled.


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