Chapter 40

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"Bye Mia," James said as I hopped in the car with Reece. I waved, grinning like an idiot. It was Reece's first day back at school and I honestly couldn't be happier. I slammed the door shut and leaned back in my seat with a happy sigh.

"You okay babe?" Reece asks from beside me, buckling himself up. I nodded, looking at him. His brown eyes were watching me very carefully, making me smile.

"I'm perfect," I replied, reaching over to grab his hand. Harry chuckled, bringing it up to his lips. "I love you."

"I love you too marshmallow," he says with a smirk. I laughed, whacking his cheek with my hand playfully. Reece laughs, starting the car.

* * *

I walked into chemistry, Reece by my side. We slid into our usual seats and waited for class to begin. I smiled to myself, pulling out my text book. Reece leaned over, kissing my cheek quickly. "What was that for?" I giggled.

"I love you," he said with a goofy smile. I rolled my eyes, slapping his arm.

"Good morning class!" came a call as the sub walked in. He smiled pleasantly, setting down his binder. "How are you all today?"

Everyone mumbled random things; 'good', 'fine', 'horrible', 'I'm tired', 'fuck off moron'...

Reece's hand slid under the desk, grabbing mine. He gave it a tight and comforting squeeze, making me smile. "Today, your teacher has it planned for you all to get into groups of three and read chapter five in your text book."

Everyone nodded and immedaitly went into groups. Reece and I of course stayed together, opening up our books. I doubt he'll mind one group of two, right? Reece smiled, looking up at me. I looked at him, "What?"

"Nothing," he shrugged his shoulders.

"Why are you so happy today?"

"Because I get to stay with you," he replied, reaching up to brush some hair out of my eyes. I blushed, looking away. "You're adorable."

I rolled my eyes, punching his arm. "Come on. We have to read."

"But I don't wanna!" Reece groaned, but started to read from his book anyways.

Five minutes later, the sub raised his hand into the air. "Okay, times up."

"What?" someone yelled.

"That was barely enough time!" another agreed.

"Chapter five is four pages! Can't you read four pages in five minutes?" he asked. I glanced at Reece, who was still reading. I rubbed his shoulder, making him look up. He was still on the first page.

"You okay?" I whispered. He swallowed, nodding. "You know you can't lie to me. What's wrong?"

"I-I can't read this," he mumbled.


"The words are all jumbled together," he replied. I frowned, looking at his book. The words looked fine to me. I looked back at Reece.

"The words are fine, baby," I tell him.

"No they're not! I can't see them!" he whisper/shouts.

"Excuse me, is there something wrong?" the sub called, making Reece and I look up.

"No sir," I say quietly.

"Oh really?" he walks over to Reece and I's table and looked Reece in the eye. "What is it?"

"I... read it," Reece mumbles.

"What?" the sub asked, clearly out of patience.

"I can't read it," Reece says a little louder.

"What do you mean 'you can't read it'?"

"The words are all mixed up," he told him.

"They are fine!"

"No they're not!" Reece said, looking away sadly. I grabbed his arm, but Reece tore it away.

"Come with me," the sub said, making Reece stand up. He glanced at me before the sub brought him out of the room. Shit Reece! Can't he go one fucking day without getting in trouble?

I leaned back in my chair, sighing loudly.

"You're boyfriend's a freak," someone chuckled from my left. I looked to see Eliza and her weird friends laughing their asses off.

"Who's the freak?" I scoff.

"You and your little fuck buddy," Eliza's high pitched voice cackles. My fists clench and I narrow my eyes at her.

"Oh shut up," I hiss. "Reece didn't do anything wrong."

"Other than date a loser like you," she says, making her friends laugh.

"At least I don't fuck every boy in town," I snarl, my fists clenching even more.

Eliza glares at me, "At least I can get every body in town- you're little Reece included. Ah, I remember him. We were fifteen and we did it in a hot tub. God was he good- probably the best I ever had." I bit my bottom lip, looking down. Eliza started to laugh again and I felt like throwing up. I knew Reece had been with other girls; probably most girls in the school. But actually hearing about one them...

"Okay, back to class!" the sub announced, walking back in. Reece wasn't with him.


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