Chapter 4

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"So, what should we start with?" I ask as Reece and I stroll into my room. I plop my textbooks and backpack on my bed, sitting down on the floor asian style. Reece chuckles, sitting his stuff down next to mine. He sits down by me, his legs doing the same. I burst out laughing, whacking his arm. "Copy-cat!"

"I though you wanted me to sit with you!" he smirks, whacking my arm in response. I smile, grabbing my teddy bear off of the floor by my office desk. I raise it in the air, ready to hit him. Reece covers his face, "Oh please! No! Have mercy on me- don't hit me with a fluffy teddy bear!"

My smile widens and I set the bear back down. "Now, say you're sorry."

"For what?"

"Just say it Bibby!" I snap, raising Mr. Wiggles into the air once more.

"Fine!" Reece yells, falling onto the floor. He covers his head, "I surrender! I'm sorry, Lord Amelia!"

I roll my eyes, dropping Mr. Wiggles on my bed. I get on my knees and crawl over to grab my books. "Come on. We better get working."

"But I don't wanna work!" Reece whines, sitting up. I look back at him, raising my eyebrow. "Let's hang out."


"I thought we were friends."

"What made you think that?"

"We talk and joke around. That's what friends do- or do you not know that?" he raises his eyebrow, scooting closer to me. I huff, grabbing my books. "I'm just kidding Amelia. See? We're joking around!"

"Are you ever serious? Even for a second?" I grind my teeth, looking over at him. Reece shrugs, leaning against my bed. He watches me as I open my chemistry book, and begin to flip through the pages. "Are you going to help me or not?" I snap, suddenly angry by his intense staring.

"Sorry babe," Reece replies, sliding his book off of my bed.

My heart flutters when he says that- even though I know guys always say that to girls out of the blue. He still made me blush. Even with just four little letters.

* * *

"Same time tomorrow?" Reece asks as we shut our books. I nod with a wide smile. Even though most of the time we spent goofing around, we actually did get most of our project done. And just in time- because James gets home from football practice in five minutes.

"Sounds good," I reply as we both begin to stand. I hand Reece his grey pencil pouch, playing with the rings on my notebook.

"Yours or mine?" he says, looking directly at me. I raise my eyebrow. What the hell is he talking about? "I mean, you're house or mine?"

"Uh, either's fine," I reply. Then I think for a little. Tomorrow, James doesn't have practice. "Your house."

"Good idea. Football's off tomorrow, right?" he asks with a smirk. How'd he know?

"Yeah." God, I probably sounded rude.

"Don't worry about it," Reece said, almost as if he could read my mind. "I know you're brother would have a heart-attack if he saw me here with you." I frown, nodding sadly. Reece leans over, kissing my nose. "See you tomorrow."

"Bye Reece," I say, a blush spreading across my cheeks.

"I like it when you blush. You're adorable when you blush," he comments, opening my bedroom door. He flashes me a smile before walking out. I giggle, biting my lip.


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