Chapter 5

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After Reece Left, I went downstairs and grabbed a bag of sensations and a bottle of Pepsi from the kitchen and went into the living room. I plop down on the brown couch, turning on the television. I flip through the channels until I find Disney Channel. On was my favorite TV show; A.N.T. Farm. Don't judge!

It was the episode where they ANTS started at Z-Tech- my personal favorite. I sigh softly, leaning into the soft cushion. I smile to myself, chewing away happily on my sensations.

I was about twelve minutes into the show, when the door opened and james walked in with his best friend, Jake. They were talking very loudly, laughing every now and then. "Hey Mia!" James says as they sit down next to me. I wave, sensations falling out of my mouth. They both laugh, and James hits my arm. I smile, swallowing the rest of my crisps.

"Hi guys!" I say, causing them to explode into more laughter.

James' face suddenly becomes serious and he stares at me, his eyes stone cold. "Why did you leave with Reece Bibby?" he asks, and I shrink down in my seat.

"We- uh, have to work on a Chemistry project together," I reply quietly. Jake frowns, his eyes darting from James to I.

"Wait, you were the one leaving with Bibby?" Jake questions, raising his eyebrow.

I nod, swallowing hard. "Yeah. I left with Reece." Jake shrugs, frowning at James.

"What's the big deal?" he asks james, crossing his arms across his chest. "I remember when he used to be your best mate."

"That was before be became friends with those douche bags," James rolls his eyes.

I pause, looking at James blankly. "Wait, you were friends with Reece?" James nods, looking away. "And you guys stopped being friends just because he became friends with someone else?"

James rolls his eyes, "No Mia. We stopped being friends because Reece didn't wanna be friends with me anymore. So, I joined the football team and met Jake. That's why I didn't want you hanging out with him. He's an asshole."

"No he's not! James, we hung out today! Reece's harmless!" I say, sitting up in my seat.

James frowns, "Mia, he's just trying to get you to trust him so he can fuck you. Can't you see that?"

I sigh, "He's not like that James!"

"You don't know him like I know him!" James says, getting up. And with that, he storms up the stairs, leaving me alone with Jake. We exchange glances, before Jake gets up.

"Don't be mad at him. James' still mad at Reece- he's really not a bad guy," he says with a sad smile. "See you around Mia."

"Bye Jake," I say, waving to him as he walks out of the door.

* * *

"How many tattoos does he have?" Jennifer asks me as we walk down the hallway. I bite my bottom lip, my eyes scanning the hallway for Reece's noticeable hair. "Hello? Earth to Amelia?"

I turn back to her, "Sorry- what?"

Jennifer chuckles, heading towards her Language class. "I have Reece in this period. Want me to tell him his girlfriend misses him?" I roll my eyes, shaking my head. She smirks, walking in. I huff, walking towards History- when somebody grabs my forearm. They twirl me around to face them. It's the blonde boy that was with Reece. "So, you're Amelia?" His voice is lighter, not as menacing as the day before. I nod my head quickly, trying to think of a way to break free. "I'm sorry about yesterday. It was my fault."

"W-What was your fault?" I stammer, my breathing becoming faster as the fear grows inside of me. My stomach does backflips as the boy begins to laugh.

"I bumped into you and yelled at you. I'm sorry," he says- and I can hear the sincerity in his voice.

"It's f-fine," I reply, pulling my arm away.

"I'm Charlie by the way," he says in a deep accent, sticking out his hand for me. I hesitantly shake it. "Charlie jones."

"I'm Amelia-"

"Graham?" I nod slowly, swallowing hard. "James' your brother, right?" I nod once more. "Yeah, you're brother hates me and my mates. You know- Barclay , Chris , Tom and Casey?" He was talking about Chris Leonard and Casey Johnson. Those two I knew. Chris had once been close with James- then some stuff happened and Chris changed. Casey got him into drugs and they started hanging out.

"Yeah. I know them," I said, starting to walk away, but Charlie grabbed my arm.

"Be careful," he warns.

"Of what?" I question, although I already know what he's talking about.

"With Reece. You know his reputation- and although he doesn't seem it, looks can be deceiving. I just don't want him to hurt you," Charlie says. And it's almost like he cares.

"Don't worry. I think I can handle him," I reply, a grin almost going across my face. Charlie shakes his head, but he lets go of my arm. I walk down the hallway, what Charlie said replaying in my mind.


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