Chapter 9

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"Reece, she damn nearly cost you the fucking fight!" Chris growls as I wrap a wet towel around Reece's neck. He thanks me, ignoring Chris. "Reece, are you listening to me you damn bastard?"

"Chris, she helped me win the fight!" Reece yells, rubbing his neck. He winces, looking down.

"Whatever. But if you bring that fucking girl here again, I'm not going to help you anymore!" Chris says, eyeing me. I bite my bottom lip, swallowing hard. Reece sighs, reaching up to caress my cheek.

After a moment of silence, Reece nods. "Fine. I'll take her home."

"No you're not!" Chris hisses.

"Reece, you still have three other fights," Charlie says calmly, standing against the wall. I give Reece a weak smile, nodding.

"Yeah. I don't want you to leave just because of me," I tell him, staring into his eyes. Reece frowns, leaning up to cup my face. He exhales, nodding. He pulls his hands away, and looks at Chris.

"Fine. Just give me five minutes alone with Amelia." I raise my eyebrow at him, and Reece looks back at me.

"Ugh. Fine," Chris groans. He and Charlie file out of the tiny 'locker room', which was really just a small corner with a large tarp hiding it from the rest of the building.

I chew on my bottom lip, running my hand through his hair. "I shouldn't have come with you," I say quietly, feeling tears on the rims of my eyes. "I'm sorry Reece. This is my fault."

Reece chuckles, reaching up to cup my face once more. "Don't be sorry. You helped me win."

"What do you mean?"

"If Charlie hadn't kissed you, I never would have-" Reece stops, his cheeks turning red. I give him a slight smile, leaning my forehead against his. "Amelia, can you do something for me before I go out there?"

I nod. "Anything Reece."

"Kiss me," he whispers, seconds before I crash my lips onto his. Reece wraps his arms around my waist, pulling me down onto him. I straddle him, cupping his face. Our kiss begins to become even more wild, and Reece has to lean his back against the wall. His hands travel around my bottom area briefly, his fingers coming about five centimeters away from my crotch. I move my hands down to Reece's chest, gripping his shirt fabric in my hands.

"Lia," Reece says against my lips, his hands pressing against my lower stomach.

"Eh-HEM!" someone clears their throat rather loudly, causing both Reece and I to pull away. I look over my shoulder, finding Chris standing there watching us. I blush, hopping off of Reece's lap. "You two can fuck later. Reece, you're match is now. Get your ass in gear!" Reece sighs, grabbing my face by my cheeks. He pecks my lips quickly before standing up. He hands me the cloth, smiling at me.

"Wish me luck!" he says, walking towards Chris. I smile widely, following them.

"Good luck, Reece!" I say. Reece walks towards the arena, and I begin to worry again. I don't want him to get hurt.

"Look," Chris growls, grabbing my arm roughly. He tugs me back into the 'locker room', and pushes me inside. I stumble, nearly falling to the ground. "Reece doesn't need a fucking girl to come in here an fucking mess him up! You should just fucking leave and stay the hell out of Reece's life! All you are is a little slut Reece wants to fuck, we all know it. We all know that once you let him touch you, he's gonna fucking leave you. So why the hell do you stay, you little whore?"

I swallow hard, backing against the wall. "Because that's n-not true! Reece and I a-are just friends! And I'm not messing him u-up! I'm just trying to support him! I d-didn't even know he was bringing me here!" I reply innocently, beginning to tremble.

"Oh please. You're a little hoe," Chris rolls his eyes. "You came with him cause you think Reece's gonna get drunk and have sex with you. Don't deny it."

Tears begin to form in my eyes. "I-I'd never do that to Reece!"

"Yeah right. Precious little virgin girl that only thinks of others. You honestly want me to believe that?"

"No. But I would never use Reece. Ever," I say sternly, frowning at him.

"Sure. Just know, I'm watching you. And if Reece gets fucking hurt because of you," Chris steps closer, lowering his voice, "you aren't gonna live much longer past it." I begin shaking, my breathing increasing. "Got it?" I nod, unable to speak. "Good." And with that, Chris walks out of the 'locker room', leaving me alone.

I drop to my knees, beginning to cry.

* * *

About thirty minutes later, Reece walks back in, limping, with Chris, Tom, and Charlie right behind him. "Amelia!" Reece pants. I jump to my feet, sniffling softly. "Lia, what's wrong?" He hurries over to me, pulling my body against his.

"Reece, are you alright?" I ask, pushing him away slightly. I keep him at arm's length, looking down at his ankle. "You're limping."

"I'm completely fine!" Reece insists, wrapping his arms around me. He pulls me back into a bone crushing hug, which makes me squeak slightly. "Why were you crying?" he whispers. I shake my head, wrapping my arms around his neck. He sighs, pulling away slightly. Reece wraps one arm around my waist, pulling my body against his. He turns to his friends, smiling slightly. "Won all the matches."

"Congrats Reece!" I say happily, bringing a smile to my face.

Reece thanks me, then says, "Guys, Lia and I are gonna go. Have fun." All the boys say goodbye, except for Chris, who just glares at me. I swallow, leaning into Reece. I lay my head on his shoulder, and we walk out of the 'locker room' by ourselves. "Love, why were you crying? Did Chris say something to you?"

I quickly shake my head, looking down. "N-No."

Reece stops, grabbing my arm. "Amelia, please tell me." I shake my head, trying to walk away, but Reece's grip is too tight on me. "Amelia?" he whispers, cupping my face. I blush, trying to pull my face away.

"Reece, it w-was nothing!" I stammer.

"Tell me!" Reece begs. I shake my head. "Amelia, if you wont tell me, I'll go ask Chris."

I sigh, "Fine. H-He ju-"

"Bye Reece! Bye Amelia!" Casey yells, skipping past us. I force a smile, pulling away.

"Come on. Let's go back to your place."


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