Chapter 26

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"What did Reece want for his birthday?" I asked Lyndsey as she and I sat downstairs in the living room of her and Reece's shared home. Reece was upstairs taking a hot shower, getting ready for our date. He'd been running late because he had to stay late at the fighting ring with Casey- who had been beaten up pretty badly.

"Oh... well, I know he really wanted a guitar, but Charlie bought him one... ah, he really wanted-" she stopped, trying to think. "I don't really know. Everything he wanted, someone got him."

I exhaled. "Just my luck. I really want to get him something special, especially since he's leaving."

Lyndsey gave me a smile, patting my arm. "Don't worry sweetie. I know you'll think of something." Just as she said that, a paper airplane zoomed past my head. I gasped, jumping straight up in my seat. It fell beside me, and I examined it.

"Sorry babe, didn't mean to scare you," I felt soft lips against my skin. I looked to find Reece kissing my cheek. He laughed, wrapping his arms around me. "Ready to go?"

"Uh, yeah," I smiled, grabbing his paper airplane. Suddenly, Reece's present snapped at me. EXACTLY! My smile widened and I glanced at Lyndsey. She smiled back. "Let's go."

* * *

Reece and I were at the willow tree having a nice little picnic for our date. "I'll be down on most weekends- especially the long ones. Every other weekend I'll be here with you. I promise Lia," he said as we munched away at our sandwiches. "And after high school, I'll come back and you and I will work things out from there."

I smiled at him, knowing exactly what he meant: Reece wanted a family. A big family. He'd been hinting at it for a while now- ever since we saw this couple with five kids walking in the park, he's been talking nonstop about it. 'Isn't that little girl adorable? I hope our baby is that cute', 'What do you think is a cute name for a little boy?', 'When I get back, should we buy our own house?'... things like that.

I leaned over, kissing his cheek. "Yeah," I nodded. His smile widened as he finished his sandwich. He wiped his mouth, reaching up to grab the branch hanging above us. "What are you doing, Bibby?"

"Let's climb!" Reece calls to me, already three branches up. I grinned, reaching up to climb with him. Reece was about seven branches above me, making me bite my bottom lip.

"Babe, can you wait for me?" I yell.

"Sure sweetie!" he yells back. I climb and climb and climb until I finally reach my boyfriend. He grins, helping me up to the branch he was sitting on. Reece cups my face, pressing his lips onto mine. I gladly kiss him back, wrapping my arms around his neck. Reece began to deepen the kiss, pressing my against the trunk.

"I love you," I mumble against his lips.

"I love you too baby," he replies, slowly pulling away. Reece's smile disappeared quickly as he continued to hold me. "It's going to be so hard to leave you... I-I don't think I can."

I sighed, squeezing him tightly. "Y-You have to."

"No I don't!" Reece almost yelled, pulling away. "I don't e-even know why they're making me! I haven't seen my fucking dad for eight years and now all of a s-sudden he wants me to live with him! And of course, he has to pick the first time in so long I have something here that matters to me! I hate him! I-I want to stay here with you!" Tears rolled down Reece's cheeks as he looked at me pleadingly.

"Oh ree," I say, running my hand through his hair. "It's gonna be okay b-baby. I promise. You and I are going to see each other a lot-"

"No we wont! I wanna see you every s-single day! I want to always be with you! I can't leave!" He sobbed. I brought him into my arms and he buried his face in my shoulder.

"Sh... sh, ree," I say, kissing the top of his head. "It's gonna be okay babe. I promise you."

Reece slowly pulled away from me, his face red and puffy. "Amelia?" he whispered.

"Yeah Reece?"

"D-Do you think that maybe, j-just maybe, you can stay with me until I leave?" he asks, his hands intertwining with mine.

I smiled softly, "I bet James wont mind." Reece swallowed, moving closer to me. I gently kissed his lips.

"I-I tried to be strong about this, so it wouldn't be s-so hard... but damn it! You're the best god damn thing that's ever happened to me!" Reece sobbed. "I'm sorry, I know I'm droning on and on but-"

"No baby. It's fine," I say gently, pushing hair out of his face. I wipe away Reece's tears with my thumb, making him smile.

"I love you Lia."

"I love you too ree."


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