Chapter 10

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The ride to Reece's house was silent. I want to say it wasn't an awkward silence, but that would be a lie. It was a very awkward silence. Honestly, it was very tense. Reece had asked me two more times what Chris had said that caused me to cry, but I just lied and said it was nothing.

I think he was mad. Scratch that. I knew he was mad.

We slowly pulled up to Reece's house, which made me shiver slightly. I look down the road at my house. All the lights are off- except for one. The porch light. James and Jake sit on the two chairs we have out front, both smoking. I swallow hard. James was constantly smoking- he was probably more than Reece did.

I look over at my friend, finding his eyes glaring over at my house. "They can't see you come in with me," he says very, very slowly. I sigh, reaching over to grab his hands. Reece looks at me, his eyes sad. "Let's just stay out here." I nod, not saying anything. We keep our eyes locked for a few moments before Reece begins to speak. "Lia, please tell my why you were crying. You looked so... broken."

I shake my head, "I'm fine Reece."

"Just tell me why you were crying," Reece says. I bite my lip, feeling more tears welling up in my eyes. "Lia?"

"It's nothing."

Reece groans, unbuckling himself. He moves a little so that he's leaning over the crease between the seats, his head very close to mine. "I can see it in your eyes. Something upset you. What was it, Lia?"

I break. Tears roll down my cheeks, and I finally admit what Chris had said to me in the 'locker room'. How he had threatened me, and accused me of using Reece, and said I was a whore and a slut and a hoe and-

"Sh, sh," Reece whispers, bringing me into his arms. I cry into his chest for what must have been fives minutes, when we finally pull away. We look over at my house, finding the lights off. Reece looks down at me, "I'll kick his ass."

"No, Reece-"

"He's a fucking bastard for saying that to you!" Reece says, anger rising his voice. I frown at him, cupping his face.

"Reece, calm down," I say very gently. He swallows, cupping my face. We lean our foreheads against each others, sitting in silence once more. "Come on, Reece, let's get inside." He nods and we pull away. I unbuckle and open the door. We both slip out and walk into his yard. We walk up the front steps and into his house.

"So, what should we do?" Reece asks, eyeing me intently. I blush, biting my bottom lip. "We can watch a movie, play a game... just hang out?"

"Uh... let's watch a movie," I say smiling at him. He smiles back, grabbing my hand. He pulls me over to his couch. He collapses on top of it, pulling me on it next to him. I giggle, slapping his arm. "What do you got, Bibby?"

"Hmm... well, you should go look in our movies case. It's under the TV," he explains, pointing at it.

"Really? You're actually letting me pick the movie?" I say through my laughs.

"Sure, why not." I smile at him, getting up off of the couch. I kneel down next to the movie case, and go though his wide movie collection. Perks of Being a Wallflower (my personal favorite), Grown Ups, The Grudge 1-3, Pitch Perfect, Zookeeper, 1941, Percy Jackson, The Hunger Games...

I pull out Titanic and turn to Reece. "Can we watch Titanic?" I ask.

"Sure. It's one of my favorites," he comments, making me giggle slightly. He didn't seem like that kind of guy to like Leonardo DeCaprio- but oh well. I put the disc in, and sit back with Reece. We keep a pretty big distance between us, as the movie starts. "Wa-wa-WAIT!" he yells, causing me to jump. "No movie is complete without popcorn!"

I giggle, nodding. "Correct, my fine haired friend!"

Reece chuckles, standing up. "Want anything to drink?"

"Ah, sure." I get up and follow him into the kitchen. We grab two Pepsi cans and make some popcorn. While we are waiting for it to pop, we talk about the up-in-coming dance.

"Has anyone asked you yet?" Reece questions, raising his eyebrow at me.

I blush and shake my head. "Of course not."

"What do you mean by that?"

"No boy has ever asked me out of a date or anything like that."

"Well why not?"

"Because. They just don't." The popcorn finishes and I open the microwave door. I take out the popcorn and pour it into a bowl. "Ready Bibby?"

"Ready Graham," he smiles teasingly at me as we go back into the living room. We plop down on the couch, and hit play.

* * *

Half-way through the movie, at around the scene where Jack and Rose share their first kiss, Reece had scooted over to me and wrapped his arm around me. I laid my head on his shoulders, shutting my eyes. Reece kisses the side of my head, causing a smile to spread across my face.

Moments later, I hear soft snores coming from next to me. My eyes open to find Reece fast asleep. I giggle, poking his cheek. He stirs, but then resettles. I stare at his face for a little while, biting my lip. My eyes flicker from his shut eyes to his lips- longing to kiss him. Almost without thinking, I press my lips onto his desperately. I didn't mean to- it just happened.

He immediately kisses me back, wrapping his arms around my neck. He pulls me down on top of him so that I am straddling him. His hands grip my butt, causing me to squeak slightly. My hands grip his shoulders as the kiss becomes more wild and rough, and I could feel his hand moving up my shirt. I moan as he starts to lift it up. Just before he's at my bra, he stops abruptly. We pull away and look into each other's eyes. We both wear shocked expressions.

"I-I'm sorry!" he stammers, and I move off of his lap. I fix my shirt, swallowing.

"It's fine," I say, sitting down on the other side of the couch. We sit watching the rest of the movie in silence.

But not an awkward silence. A, oddly enough, comfortable silence.


How do you like it so far? It will get more interesting as I'm hoping this story will turn out to be really long! please vote thankyou x

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