Chapter 46

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I pulled back my hair, breathing in the warm air filling the room from the heater over in the corner of my apartment. It was already December and I was flying home to see my friends and family. I was beyond terrified of going home; I missed coming home in October because of a terrible snow storm over my birthday. I missed them all so much - especially Reece. I wanted to see him so badly! I wanted to talk to him about the ring, mostly. But I was also missing him so much it was making me sick. I really hadn't thought moving away through very well, did I?

I wish I never came here! Well, not completely. I've made a few new friends, I really like the classes and I love this place it's just... this isn't my home. Home is Reece, James, Jennifer, Jake... Home is Lancashire.

* * *

"Call me to let me know you got there alright!" My friend Christi said, wrapping her arms around me.

"I will!" I said as she squeezed me with her tight grip. I laughed when she pulled away, smiling sadly.

"I'll miss you" she said laughed with me.

"I'll miss you too Christi, I'll see you in a week" I turned away slowly made my way into the thing leading into the airplane.

I sat down in my seat and pulled out my phone. Reece texts me every 5 seconds, I swear. I laughed at his most recent one: I think if I had to wait 7 hours instead of 6 hours I don't think I'd make it!

I smiled, typing back: that made very little sense, but you're still cute ;)

It only took about ten seconds for his reply to come back: of course I am.

I sent him a quick smiley face before putting my phone away. I licked my lips, staring down at my right hand where the ring sat on my finger. I smiled slightly at it, loving how beautiful of a ring Reece had chosen.

"Who's the lucky guy?" A voice broke me from my thoughts, causing me to look up. A man was sitting beside me, staring at me with a sad smile.

"Oh-uh" I paused, "his names Reece"

The man smiled at me. "That's a nice name. My brothers name is Reece too" I smiled back. "I'm Daniel by the way".

He extended his hand out to me. "I'm Amelia" I replied as we shook hands.

Daniel examined my face for a short period of time. " aren't you a little young to be engaged?"

"Actually I'm nineteen" I replied, shaking my head.

"Really?" He asked. I nodded. "Wow I never would've guessed that".

"How about you?"


"How old are you?"

"Uh, old," he chuckled, "I'm 36 today actually."

"Happy birthday!" I smiled at him.

"Thanks" he smiled back before looking away. "So why are you going to Lancashire? Is that where you're from?"

"Yeah. I'm going home to see my family and-"

"And Reece?"

"Yeah" I laughed.

"Well, he'd definitely be happy you're home. How long have you been gone?"

That question made my chest tighten. "Four months. "



" why so long?"

"Uh, college"

"Ah" he nodded his head. The questions stopped there.


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