Chapter 12

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I push open the front door, sobbing furiously in the process. I lean against the door as it shuts, and I lock it. Just in case Reece tries to follow me- but he probably wont. He said it himself. He doesn't care about me. "Mia?" I hear someone call. The lights flicker on, and James walks down the stairs, still fully dressed. But his hair is messed up- he must have fallen asleep in his clothes. "What's wrong, Mia? I thought you were with Jennifer?"

I shake my head, my face twisting as the tears fall faster. James hurries over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. He picks me up, holding my body close to his. "What happened, Amelia?"

I bury my face in his chest, and begin to speak. "I-I'm so sorry! I lied! I went with R-Reece. We went to this f-fighting arena, and Chris was there and h-he threatened me and called me a whore and a slut and-and... so Reece brought me back to his house and we decided to watch a m-movie. In the middle of the movie, we started making out but then we stopped and finished the movie. And then we went upstairs to go to bed, and then we s-started to make out again, a-and we were about to... to... we were about to do it, when he stopped us and said he didn't care about me. I yelled at him and told him I hated him and-" I broke. "I left. I'm s-sorry I lied. I'm so, so sorry James!" James squeezes me reassuringly, kissing my forehead sweetly. That only makes me cry harder, thinking of all the times Reece had done that to me.

"It's fine, Mia." He smoothed back my hair, looking down at me. "Just forget him. Reece is an asshole, Amelia. That's what I've been trying to tell you."

"I-I know, and I'm sorry James." I cry harder, gripping him weakly. James sighs, pulling away. He keeps me at arms length, giving me a reassuring smile.

"Don't be. I'll make him pay, okay?"

I shake my head. "N-No, James. It's fine." James frowns, wiping my tears away with his thumb.

"Go get some rest. We'll talk more in the morning, okay?" I nod, walking towards the stairs. I slowly slump up the stairs sadly, my heart heavy. When I get to the top, I dart to my bedroom door. I throw it open and fall inside. I slam the door shut, collapsing on the floor in tears. I fall asleep, curled in a ball, tears rolling down my cheeks.

James' P.O.V

I smile to myself, pulling my cellphone out of my pocket. I quickly dial the number, and hold the phone to my ear. "What the fuck do you want, Graham?" Reece growls on the other end. I click my tongue contently, happy with how this was turning out.

"She just got back. You must have done pretty good- she was pretty broken," I say. "What did you do before, you know. You broke it to her?"I can almost hear Reece rolls his eyes. "You're such a bitch, you know that James? You force me to break poor Amelia's heart, then you call up like the sick bastard you are to ask what I did to her before I messed up my fucking relationship?"

I smile, nodding. "Well, what did you do?"

"None of your god damn business, James!" he yells. "Do you realize how much I cared about her? Amelia was the best thing that ever happened to me- and now she hates me because of you." A slight pang of guilt surges through me, but I shake it off. This is what was for best.

"Oh well. You should have fucking stayed away from her like I told you to in the first place! Then maybe we wouldn't be in this god damn mess!" I say coldly.

I hear a sniffle in the background. He's crying. More guilt goes though me, causing me to chew on my bottom lip. "Look, just stay away from her, got it?"

"You don't have to worry about me anymore. Amelia probably wont even look at me," Reece hisses. "And the worst part?" I hear him sniffle. "James, I love her. I love Amelia more than anything in this god damn world. And I was going to tell her tonight- if it hadn't been for you, you pathetic asshole. I fucking hate you. And I always will."

"Whatever. Go fuck yourself," and with that, I disconnect the call. I couldn't listen to him profess his love for her, or yell at me for being such an awful brother for another second.

I slip my phone into my pocket, glancing up at the stairs, making sure Amelia didn't hear any of that. I go up to the second floor, and open Amelia's bedroom door. She's curled into a ball on the floor, fast asleep. Her cheeks as still puffy and red from crying so much. I lean down, picking her up. I carry her over to her bed, laying her down. I pull her blanket over her body, swallowing hard. She's in so much pain- and it's all my fault. I'd forced Reece into breaking her heart.

And although I acted like I didn't feel guilty, I did. I really did. But I had to keep Reece away from her, before he hurt her. But of course, what he would have done to her, honestly couldn't have been worse than what I had made him do.


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