Chapter 31

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I stared at the road in front of me, my pulse racing. Beside me, Amelia sniffles. The entire ride to the airport was silent so far, and I really didn't want that. I was leaving her and I wanted our last moments together to be special. "If I just turn here, we can get to the highway and make it to-" I begin, but Amelia immedaitly interrupts me.

"Reece, please stop," she begs, her voice cracking. I nodded, licking my lips. I tasted the salt of my tears, making the sadness filling me even worse. "T-There it is." I looked at the packed airport, and my heart falls.

"A-Already?" I turn in and park the car. We both get out and I grab my suitcase. I looked at my girlfriend, staring at me with wet eyes. I watch as tears roll down her cheeks. I drop both of my suitcases to the ground and run towards her. I pick her up in my arms, squeezing the life out of her. She cries into my chest, mumbling something I can't understand. I rub her back as tears of my own fall down my face. "We only h-have ten more minutes together."

"Reece," she sobs, squeezing me with her petite arms. I started to cry even harder, kissing her shoulder.

"Aww," I heard from behind us. I pulled away, keeping Amelia in my arms. My mum stood there, looking at us with heartbroken eyes. I swallowed, walking over to her. "I looked for you at baggage drop-off, but I didn't find you, so I knew you must still be out here," she said, bringing me into her arms. More tears rolled down my cheeks as I squeezed her delicate body in my arms.

"I-I'm going to miss you," I sobbed. "I love you Mum."

"I love you too, s-sweetheart," her voice shook. I could feel her moist tears fall down onto my white t-shirt. "C-Call me when you get t-there, okay honey?"

"Of c-course," I stammered, pulling away. She kissed my cheek before letting me go back over to Amelia. "W-Walk me to the terminal?" I asked. Amelia broken heartily took my hand, nodding slowly. I reached down with my free hand and wiped away her tears, but I could stop them from flowing.

I grabbed my bags and Amelia followed me to the terminal, but my mum stayed behind because she couldn't watch me leave.

As we walked through the crowded airport, I glanced down at my girlfriend. She was staring straight ahead, saying nothing. "I d-don't want to leave," I broke the silence. "Please, let's g-go! I don't care where! Let's just go!" She snapped. Amelia turned to me, grabbing me by the biceps. She pulled me into her arms, sobbing uncontrollably.

"Stop s-saying that!" she begged.

"Why?" I whispered.

"B-Because every time you say that, the m-more and more I want that!" she sobbed into my chest.

"If we both want that, then lets go!" I say, squeezing her small body.

"W-We can't." Amelia pulled away, swallowing her tears. "We can't Reece."

I pursed my lips, staring at my feet. "We've been through so much, Lia. I don't want to just leave like this."

"But you'll be back in a week!" she says, making me look at her. "We'll s-see each other then."

I looked down into those gorgeous blue eyes, and I felt my heart lighten a bit. "Of course we will," I say, locking our lips. Amelia wrapped her arms around my neck, pulling me closer to her. As I held her those last three minutes before my flight took off, I immediately knew that everything was going to turn out fine. No matter what happens when I'm gone, her and I will always be one. Even if we're 300 miles apart.


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