Chapter 3

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"You're going where?" Jennifer gasps as we sit down at our usual lunch table. I shrug, exhaling loudly.

"We're partners on this chemistry project- so we're going to my house to do it," I reply, poking a fork at whatever it was that the lunch lady plopped on my plate. It was green- and slimy. Was it casserole? Or poisoned? Or-

"Hahah! You're going to go do it with Reece Bibby! You're so naughty!" Jennifer burst out laughing, a lot louder than I would have liked. I earned glares from people sitting at tables around us.

"Shut up," I groan. "We're not 'doing it', you moron. We're just working on the chemistry project."

"OBVIOUSLY!" she yells, and I kick her under the table. That only makes her laugh harder.

"You're so immature!" I hiss, rolling my eyes.

"At least I'm not the one going over to some punk's house!" Jennifer argues, pursing her lips. I bit my bottom lip, trying to keep from yelling at her.

"Whatever," I mutter.

* * *

I walk out of the school yard, hugging my textbooks that would fit inside my backpack to my chest. My eyes scan the parking lot, trying to find Reece's bleach blonde hair. I immediately find him leaning up against a black mustang, looking directly at me. I feel my cheeks turn red as I slowly begin to head towards him. A smile spreads across his lips as I draw closer, and fear begins to grow inside of me.

Everything Jennifer had said about him earlier came rushing back into my mind- and I began to have second thoughts about hanging out with him. But I couldn't stop myself. I continued towards him, giving him a small smile. "Hey Amelia," he greets me, and my heart skips a beat. His voice was so deep- so sexy. Wait, stop thinking that Amelia. You cannot think like that.

"Hey Reece," I reply as Reece opens up the passenger door. I thank him and slide inside of the car. It's really nice.

He gets in around the side and puts the keys in the ignition. Reece looks at me, smiling warmly. "So, how'd school go?" he asks me. I raise my eyebrow. Was he making small talk?

"Uh- like school I guess?" I say, earning a chuckle from the curly haired boy next to me.

"You're really funny," he comments, then turns towards the front of the car. The smile is wiped from his face and he sinks into his seat. I frown, following his gaze. Outside, leaning against his car, is James. He's glaring at us, his arms crossed. I roll my eyes.

"Ignore him. He's just overprotective," I tell him. Reece shakes his head, huffing.

"You're brother hates me." I almost laugh, but I stop myself. By the look on Reece's face, I can tell he's no longer in the mood for laughing or jokes.

"Why?" I question. From what I've seen, James' my big, fluffy bunny. He's almost nice and fun. I honestly can't see how he can hate anyone. Or how anyone can hate him.

"It's nothing. Let's get going," Reece says, and pulls forward. He drives out of the parking lot in silence- an awkward silence. The kind you hate to be part of.

"So, umm, what do you think we should do for the project?" I ask, trying to draw us out of the quietness.

"I don't know. Chemistry isn't really my best subject," he shrugs. I laugh dryly, nodding.

"Me neither."

"I doubt that. You probably got straight A's in every subject."

"No. Chemistry and math are my downfall."

"Who's aren't they?" Reece chuckles at me, his beaming smile returning.

"Exactly!" I yell, clapping my hands together. We both burst out laughing, breaking the uncomfortable tension.


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