Chapter 41

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I stood outside Mr. Watson's room, waiting impatiently for Reece. For some reason, they brought him there. I didn't get to talk to Reece before they took him. I was scared- why did they need to bring him to Mr. Watson? He was a teacher that dealt with people with learning disabilities... Reece didn't have a learning disability, did he?

I leaned against the wall, swallowing hard. Slowly, the door opened and Reece walked out, his head low. I walked towards him, "You okay, babe?" Reece looked up, taking a deep breath. "Reece?"

"I'm dyslexic," he said bluntly.

"What?" I asked, grabbing his hand. I squeezed it gently, making Reece sigh.

"I'm dyslexic," he repeated. I sighed, wrapping my arms around his neck. I kiss his cheek reassuringly, making him lay his head on my shoulder. I squeezed him tightly, rubbing his back with my hand.

"Oh Reece," I whispered soothingly, biting my bottom lip.

"I-I was never this way before," he stammered. "At least I don't think I was."

I kissed his forehead, "It's going to be okay, Reece. It's going to be okay."

Reece buried his face in my neck, "I have to go to special classes the rest of the year." I nodded, running my hand through his hair. Reece pulled away slowly, cupping my face.

I gave him a small smile, "You'll get through this, I know you will."

"Thank you," he whispers, leaning down to kiss my lips.

* * *

It's been a month since we found out reece had dyslexia. Ever since then, he's been kind of depressed. I don't know why though- Reece never read books unless I made him. He doesn't like school, doesn't want to go to college- so I don't know what's up with him.

In only three weeks, we're going to graduate. It's crazy because it feels like we just started school and now it's over... I don't know if I'm happy or not. I'm kind of torn I guess.

I shut my locker, sighing softly. Reece came up beside me, sliding his hand in mine. "Hi angel," he greeted me, pushing some hair out of my eyes with his free hand.

"Hey," I replied quietly.

"What's the matter love?" he asks as we make our way down the hallway.

"I don't know... everything I guess," I shrugged. "It feels like life is flashing by us... and I just want it to stop for just a second- for just one second."

"Me too," Reece sighed sadly. "It feels just like yesterday we met and now... it's over a year later."

I nodded my head as I tore my hand away from Reece's. "See you after school," I say, walking into Language, which is my second to last period. Jennifer was sitting at our table, waiting impatiently for me. I smiled, sitting down next to her. "Hi Mrs. Leonard."

She laughed, "Hi Mrs. Bibby." My smile widened slightly. "So what's up bestie? We never hang out anymore..."

"I know, it sucks!" I complain, throwing my head back. "We really need to! We only have less than a month left of our last year of high school! We've gotta make it count!"

"I know, right!" she replies, smirking mischievously.

"What did you have in mind?"

"We're going to a party."


"Yeah. It's one of Chris and Reece's friends," she said. "He's in college! College! When we will get to go to a college party again?"

"Uh, when we're in college?" I replied, laughing softly.

"But we're plagued off as nerds, goodie-goodies, etc. We'll never be invited... so let's just go now and get a good rep with the older kids!" I rolled my eyes, pulling out my textbook. "I'm serious Amelia. We have to do this!"

"Fine," I replied. "Are the boys going to be there?"

"Yeah," Jennifer nodded.

"Yay," I say. "I wonder why Reece didn't mention the party earlier..."

"Maybe because he knows what a goodie-goodie you are and knows you'd be stubborn and say no?" Jennifer suggested.

I clicked my tongue, suddenly feeling angry at Reece. Jennifer was right- Reece always treated me like a goodie-goodie, sweet-bubbled-gum girl or whatever. That's it. I'm going to show him that there's a lot more to me than just that.


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