Chapter 44

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*James' POV*

I walked through the front door, running my hand through my hair. Oh my god... how the fuck did I get so drunk? That was such a shitty party... all I did was get hammered then make-out with some slut. I missed Camila so much and it's only been like ten hours!

I started to walk up the stairs sluggishly, when I suddenly heard: "Reece, oh Reece." God they were having sex... I think. Maybe I'll check- not being a pervert or anything, but if they're not I want to talk to Amelia. She always makes me feel better.

I slowly opened Amelia's bedroom door, and I was met with the sound of kissing and panting. Reece was on top, Amelia's purple sheets covering her bare parts. Reece's hands were on her back, gripping the bare skin. Amelia hovered over him, her hands holding her above him pressed beside his head. Reece was kissing her hungrily.

"Fuck," he cursed.

"Sorry," Amelia apologized, pulling away for a slight second. Reece chuckled, reconnecting their lips. Amelia's left hand moved, wrapping her fingers around his neck. She collapsed onto his body, making him laugh softly.

"Amelia, get on your back," Reece instructed. She nodded without hesitation and flipped over on her back. She lay there quietly, waiting for him. I quickly shut the door before I saw any of her private parts. I watched way more than what was appropriate for me to. Why the hell did I watch my sister and her boyfriend have sex?

I roll my eyes, hurrying to my room before bursting into tears.

*Amelia's POV*

"Oh god," Reece mumbled, his arm wrapped tightly around me. I knew he would have an awful headache from last night; he was so wasted... "Lia..."

"Ree, go to sleep," I whispered, kissing his collarbone. Reece moaned, his hand going down my body. "Stop babe."

"I had this great dream about you," he whispered in my ear. "You were in sexy linguine-"

"Okay, that's enough Reece," I said, pulling out of his grip. I kissed his lips quickly, sitting up.

"No! Stay with me!" Reece whined, trying to grab my arm.

I sigh, laying down beside him. We lay in since for a while, before I finally get the nerve to ask: "Reece, did you mean what you said last night?"

"What did I say?" he replied.

"T-That you wanted to get married and get me pregnant so I'd say yes." My voice was barely audible.

"What?" Reece whispered.

"Did you mean it?"


"Oh my god! You did mean it?" I almost yelled.

"I d-do I want to get married," Reece said gently, his eyes not meeting mine.

My eyes widened. "Y-You do?"

"I want to get married and I do want to have babies- lots of babies. But I don't want to get you pregnant yet," Reece whispered.

"B-But you do want to get married?"

"Yes." Reece sighed, sitting up. I sat up beside him, staring shyly into his eyes. "I want to get married as soon as we possibly can and I want to buy a house, just for us, and start our family."

I couldn't believe he really wanted that. "Reece, a-are you-"

"Yeah. I'm serious," he smiled, pushing some hair out of my eyes. "I mean every word I'm saying."

"I w-want to get married too." The words slipped out of my mouth before I really had a chance to think about it. Did I want to get married? Reece quickly leaned forwards, connecting our lips. Yes. I definitely want to get married.


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