Chapter 19

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My eyes slowly peel open, and I yawn loudly. I sit up, and I look around. Reece's warm embrace is no longer holding me in place. I frown, and my eyes scan the room. It's empty besides me. I sigh. He probably left so james wouldn't find him . Or maybe he did, and he made Reece leave. I feel tears welling up in my eyes once more, but I push them away. I can't cry- not again.

I slip out of bed, and my head turns towards the window. It's shut, unlike it was last night, and there's a piece of paper stuck to it. I walk over to it, and pull it down from the window:

Lia, sorry I couldn't be there this morning. My mum texted and said she needed me to come home. I'm sorry baby. I love you. Xx-Reece
(P.s. meet me @ the willow tree)

I sighed loudly. I walk over, and place the note on my desk. I walk over to my closet, and open it. I pull out some random clothes. I quickly get dressed, and comb through my hair. I look at the clock; it's six in the morning. James is never up this early. I quickly grab my purse, and move my nightstand over. I open my door, and walk down the hallway; careful not to make a sound. I hurry down the stairs, and I move towards the front door. I open it, just in time to hear the creaking on the stairs.

"Mia?" James calls. I groan, turning around. He stands at the bottom of the stair, staring at me suspiciously.

"What?" I hiss.

"Where are you going?" he asks, walking towards me.

I roll my eyes. "None of your damn business james."

"Yes it is. Because you're going to go see your little man whore- aren't you?"

I clench my fist. "Don't call him that!"

"You're not going to see him!"

"Yes I am!" I hiss, stomping out the door. "Now leave me alone!" I slam the door behind me and I start to run. I look over my shoulder, and see that James isn't following. I let out a breath of relief, and I start towards Reece's house. I know he said to meet him at the willow, but I don't think he'll be there yet. I walk up the front steps, and I glance in the house. I can see him sitting on the couch, writing on something.

I knock, and I watch as he gets up. He places the thing on the coffee table, and covers it with paper. He walks over to the door, and opens it. His jaw drops, and he pulls me into his arms. "Amelia!" I grip him tightly, and he kisses my forehead. "What are you doing here?"

"I-I had to sneak out before James saw me."

"But he did."

"How did you know?"

Reece smirked. "Nothing slides past him." I sigh, pecking his lips. He pulls me inside, and we walk over to his couch. He plops down. Before I can sit next to him, he pulls me onto his lap. I giggle, wrapping my arms around him. "We should go upstairs."

I raise my eyebrow at him, staring into his green, lust-filled eyes. "But isn't your mum home?"

He sighs, kissing my neck. "Yeah."

"Then no. We shouldn't," I shake my head, trying to suppress a giggle at how much Reece's lips tickle against my neck. "Reece?"

"Hmm?" his lips move down to my shoulder as he places soft, and wet, kisses up and down my skin.

"Reece, how are we gonna make this work?" I ask sadly.

Reece pulls away, and stares into my eyes sadly. "I don't know," he admits. "But we will. I promise." I exhale, leaning up to kiss his lips. He moves me so that I am straddling him, and we turn that one simple kiss into a complete, and total make-out session. His hands freely travel along my body, and I try to hold in a moan.

His hand grips my butt, making me squeak. "Sorry baby," he mumbles against my lips.

We continue to make-out for what must be five more minutes, until-

"Eh-HEM!" somebody clears their throat. We abruptly pull away, and I almost fall off of Reece. We stand up straight, and stare at the stairs. Reece's mum, Lyndsey, stands there; watching us. I feel like crawling under a rock and dying. First James walks in on me giving Reece a blow job, then his mum has to walk in on us making out. What will happen next?

I swallow hard, looking at Reece. He sighs, "Uh, hi Mum."

"Hello Amelia," she gives me a smile, moving towards me. She pulls me into a hug, and I nearly gasp. I see where Reece gets his tight grip from. "Haven't seen you in a while."

"Uh... um..." my voice trails off as I look at Reece nervously.

He sighs. "Amelia and I have been... busy," he says, saving me. Lyndsey pulls away, a smirk evident on her face. I blush, looking away.

"Oh. Okay then," she says, pulling away. "Well, I'll let you two get back to... your alone time." She winks at me before going up the stairs. I swallow, looking at Reece. He groans, looking at me.

"Sorry love. She never gets up this early," he comments, grabbing my hands. He pulls me into his arms, and he leans down to kiss me.


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