Chapter 34

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*Reece's P.O.V*

"I fucking hate you!" she growled, pushing me away. I tried to grab her arm, but she just slapped it. I felt tears roll down my cheeks as I stared into those gorgeous brown eyes, the color of honey. Those eyes that made me melt, that made me weep, that made me break so hard...

"Lia, I can't do this without you," I tell her, my voice shaky.

"What do you mean?" she sobbed as I grabbed her arms.

"I l-"

* * *

"Reece ! Reece, wake up!" someone yelled, rudely awakening me from my dream. I opened my eyes, finding my father standing over my bed.

"W-What?" I stammered, my body still shaking from the dream.

"You were screaming in your sleep again," he huffed, sitting down. I took a deep breath, feeling my cheeks. Sure enough, there was a trail of tears streaming down them. "Was it her again?" I nodded, saying nothing. In the week and a half I've been gone, I've dreamt of Amelia every night. Some nights they were good dreams, and others... well, not so much. I've had dreams of her dying, once even in my arms, I've had dreams of us getting married, I've had dreams about her breaking up with me... each one more painful than the last. All they did was make me miss her more and more, and crave that fucking beautiful girl.

"Am I going crazy?" I ask him.

"No, you're just missing your girl," he replies, patting my arm.

"Please let me go see her this weekend! I can't wait any longer!" I say, looking directly at him.


"I know there's the baby thing at the hospital, but I really need to see her!"


"Or she could come here?"


"Please Dad? Please!" I yell, sniffling. I felt so fucking weak right now... I couldn't control myself. I don't know who I am anymore unless I'm talking to Amelia. When I'm here, with my dad, I'm either weak or a bitch. If I'm talking to Lia, I'm myself again.

"Fine. She can come, but you're not going." A huge grin spread across my face.


"Anything to make you feel better," he smiles at me. He pats my shoulder before getting up. "Now go to sleep." He walked out the door, shutting the lights off. Sleep? How can I sleep? Amelia's coming!

I slip out of bed and check my clock quickly. It is 10 at night. I grab my phone and dial Amelia's number. "Reece?" her gorgeous voice comes over the other end.

"Hey angel," I greet her, licking my lips.

"What's up?" she asks, her voice still held straight unlike before when it would quiver and shake.

"I talked to my dad and he said you could come here this weekend!" I say, unable to hide the excitement in my voice.

"Oh my god!" she yells, and I can hear something fall and break. "I can?"

I start to laugh. "Yeah babe. You can come here and we can finally see each other!" I suddenly felt myself become horny, which made me bite my lip.

"Oh my god!" she repeats, making me smile. "I can't wait to see you!"

I feel something fizzle inside of me, making me crave her. "I can't wait to see you either babe." It almost comes out as a moan, but I try to hide it with a cough.

He drives me crazy ( punk Reece Bibby fanfic )Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu