Chapter 27

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I walked down the street, occasionally glancing up to look at the signs; what store did I see it? After an hour of walking around, I found the store: Elfie's. It was an old jewelry store that Reece had showed me a while ago. I saw something there that I knew would be the perfect gift for Reece.

I pushed open the door which triggered the little bell overhead to ring. I smiled, going over to the display I had seen the necklace. I glanced over each line of necklaces carefully, looking for the one I planned to buy for Reece. "Can I help you miss?" someone asked, knocking me free of my thoughts. I looked up, finding an elderly woman standing behind the counter.

"Uh, I was just looking for a gift for my boyfriend," I smiled.

"Oh; something personal?" she asks. I nodded, my smile widening. "Well, did you have something in mind?"

"Yeah. I saw this necklace here a while ago and I think he would like it," I reply.

"Did you need help finding it?"

Well," I glanced down. My eyes lit up: there it was! "That's it! That's the necklace!"

She smiled, pulling something back. She grabbed a box and sat it in front of me. "You are a lucky lady! Just so happens there's a huge sale going on! The necklace is only thirty pounds."

I grinned, pulling out my purse. I handed her thirty pound in notes and she gave me the box. "Thank you!" I say, leaving the store.

* * *

"Thanks Charlie ," Reece smiled, setting down his new guitar. Reece smiled in response.

"My turn!" Chris piped, handing Reece a huge box. Reece grinned, opening it.

He started to laugh, looking up at his friend. "Really Chris?" Reece leaned over, pulling out a box of condoms. A huge blush broke across my face.

"There's more; don't worry!" Chris smirked. Reece handed me the condoms, making everyone burst out laughing. I quickly set them down on the coffee table, trying hard not to laugh myself. Reece glanced over me, throwing a wink.

"Thanks Chris!" Reece said, pulling out a massive jar of Nutella with Reece's name personalised on it.

"I knew he'd love it!" Chris laughed, pumping his fist in the air. Everyone chuckled.

"Okay, now my turn." I say, causing Reece to turn to look at me.

He smirked. "I thought you were giving me my present tonight?"

I rolled my eyes, grabbing the box out of my purse. I handed it to him. Reece raised his eyebrow as he unwrapped it. He opened the box, and his jaw dropped. A smile soon painted across his lips. "It's beautiful," he commented, looking up at me with happiness in his eyes. "I love it, baby. Thank you." He leaned over, kissing my lips gently. "Help me put it on?"

I grinned. "Of course." I pulled it out of the box and Reece turned around. I placed it on Reece's neck and clipped the clasp. He turned around, grinning that cheeky grin. "I love you Reece."

"I love you too, Lia."

"Ready for cake?" Lyndsey asks, getting to her feet. Everyone nodded, getting up.

"Uh, you guys go ahead. I want to talk to Lia in private for a second," Reece said, continuing staring at me.

"Oh come on Reece! You have all fucking night to be alone with her!" Casey complained, but Charlie and Barclay pushed him into the kitchen anyways. The rest followed behind, chattering among themselves.

Reece swallowed, leaning over to cup my face. He kissed my lips passionately. "Amelia, I'm leaving tomorrow," he whispered.

I pulled away quickly, my eyes widening. "What? Tomorrow?" I almost yelled.

"Y-Yes baby," he said, grabbing my arms. "I'm so sorry! I didn't know until my dad called a few hours ago! The only open flights were tomorrow or in a month and he's too much of an asshole to wait another damn month!"

I inhaled, wrapping my arms around him. Tears welled up in my eyes. "At l-least we have tonight."

"Yeah," he agreed. He kissed the side of my head, slowly pulling away. "Now come on; let's go have fun!" I nodded, taking his hand. He lead me into the kitchen where everyone was waiting.


He drives me crazy ( punk Reece Bibby fanfic )حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن