120 Foster Son, Don't Be So Crazy (57)

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Rather than tell him that she directly talked with Nian Shou, it was better to say that he sent her a letter.

Song Jia continued to speak, "He also told me that there might be a spy from the crown princess."

She studied his expression carefully, but there was not even a slightest ripple. Song Jia sighed in her heart. She really didn't want to doubt him, but considering that he supported the crown princess before, she could only be careful.

Xiang Feng's fingers skimmed the length of her arms.

"The coronation of the crown princess will be held tomorrow?" He suddenly asked out of the blue, startling Song Jia.

She looked up at him. His dark eyes were already looking at her, appearing hungry and tender. He raised his hand to stroke her cheek. In his eyes, it was as if his whole world only reflected her figure.

"Yes." Song Jia nodded.

She became a bit uneasy. Tomorrow, she was planning to take the throne from the crown princess. Would Xiang Feng stop her?

In any case, she had no intention in taking Princess Bai Xue's life. Song Jia had planned a bloodless coup, wherein the military that was loyal to her would surround the castle. There were already thousands of protesters clamoring inside the capital for Princess Bai Xue to be stripped of her title, for the Queen to step off her position, and for the King to be imprisoned. Civil disobedience, sit-ins, and general strikes had been frequently happening all over the kingdom for a few months now.

Of course, there were also people that were steadfastly loyal to the crown princess. But compared to the number of people that followed her, Princess Bai Xue's loyalists were only a drop in the ocean.

Song Jia marvelled at how easy it had been. Her reputation in the south had preceded her, and Princess Bai Xue's tyrannical ways were uncovered at the same time. The history of tyranny, after all, would always end in its eventual defeat.

Alexander the Great and his rebellious generals. The Great King of Persia was checked at Marathon and Salamis. Napoleon was checked at Waterloo. Hitler was checked on D-Day. The Soviet Empire collapsed inwardly. Tyrants and tyrannies can be frightening from the outside, but they were often brittle within. Their followers were always living in fear of the monsters ruling them, so they were eager to escape.

For the tyranny of Princess Bai Xue, Song Jia provided that 'escape.'

Of course, Song Jia thought, it wasn't as if Princess Bai Xue was as terrible as the tyrants she knew in her own world. But the existence of slavery, the fact that she let Xiang Feng massacre the few ministers who were vocal in their opposition, and that she used potions to muddle the heads of her officials were things a future ruler should have not done.

Of course, there was another tyrant that I haven't listed...Song Jia placed a palm over her face. Zhao Cheng, the crazy emperor who lifted his kingdom to heaven only to drop it into hell. He killed ministers left and right, beheaded the mother of his own child, and allowed the barbarians to make a feast of his citizens.

Song Jia thought that if Buddha ever allowed that man to reincarnate, he would turn him into a cockroach.

Or if not...he would probably make him suffer through endless pain.


The coronation of Princess Bai Xue happened on a bright, sunny day.

It was held inside the castle abbey, which had a large church that could seat hundreds of people. The ceremony was performed by the Archbishop, and all the government officials and representatives of other kingdoms wore ceremonial uniforms. Everything and everyone looked bright and lively, but the atmosphere was tense. It was like the air before a thunderstorm, prickling with electricity.

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