before the party

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it was FINALLY FRIDAY. you were so hyped. you haven't been to a party in so long and this one seemed pretty big. it'd be fun. 



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y/n: bye dad

you said getting dropped off. 

alejandro: damnnnn y/n, the fit. i fuck with it.

y/n: thanksss

alvaro: so you lied to your parents?? what did you say?

mattia: she didn't exactly lie lie, it was half true.

y/n: exactly, i got it all under control. i just said i was-

roshuan: going to a friend's house to study?

robert: HA. classic.

kairi: wait, deadass? you told them that?

y/n: not exactly. i said i was going to a friend's house named JANELLE who i need to do a project with. 

mattia: which is good enough. 

alejandro: are your parents, like, dumb or something? 

he said laughing.

alejandro: wait no sorry, that was mean. not dumb. oblivious? is that the word?

y/n: i mean if we're being honest here, i don't fuckin know.

alvaro: maybe they low-key know. they're just tired of your bullshit.

you laughed.

the bell rang and you and mattia walked to first period. 

once you got to class you saw michael. you haven't seen him since monday. he literally skipped the whole week. 

he looked sad, actually. you smiled at him, and he sadly smiled back. you wondered what happened. was it because you didn't respond last time with an answer? wasn't it kinda already self explanatory? that's something dumb to be sad about.

he got up and walked towards you. oh no. you looked over at mattia. he was talking to some friends.

michael: hey.

y/n: hi. you good?

michael: yeah. you going to jenna's big party?

y/n: yeah. you?

michael: yeah. hey, sorry about that last conversation we had. i was just kinda lonely and wanted to hangout with someone i actually fucked with. all my other friends were being mad annoying. but i needed to respect the fact that you had a boyfriend. 

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