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what more was there to say? or do?

for the few days you had left until you started rehab and therapy you sat in your room. depressed. and going through withdrawals.

you felt weak. you were tired. you had a runny nose. you were really fucking sad. you were restless and shaking.

your parents would drag you out to eat but you'd just puke it up later.

but hey, at least you wouldn't be 'fat' anymore, as everyone said.

you didn't think about sex at all. or boys. because then maybe you'd be less of a 'hoe', as they said.

you didn't talk to anyone, or check your phone. because maybe then you'd be less 'annoying' as they said. 

and you couldn't do shit about your face. so you sat there and cried. 

you grabbed at your skin, leaving marks. you wanted out of your skin. you just wanted to be free. you just wanted loving parents. you just wanted to not be a fuck up. you just wanted to be good enough but you couldn't even make a man stay. 

soon enough time came for rehab and therapy. you packed your clothes and literally dragged yourself to the car. it took all your strength and energy just to get to the fucking car. 

mattia: y/n!

you looked to your right and saw mattia fast walking up to you. 

y/n: hey wha-

he hugged you. your hearts touched. you slowly hugged back.

mattia: i wanted to say bye before you go. i'll visit you in rehab. i know you're in a lot of pain right now. i can see it. but i'm here for you. 

y/n: how'd you know i was leaving today?

mattia: i just eavesdropped on our parents conversation when they talked over the phone.

your mom heard from the drivers seat and laughed. she screamed out the window:

mom: hey!

mattia: hey mrs. y/l/n.

dad: we can't thank you enough mattia for saving our daughter. 

your dad said, putting your suitcase in the trunk. he came around and bro hugged mattia.

you still didn't like your parents right now.

dad: but she's going to get the help she needs, and she's going to make a comeback. 

y/n: i'm right here, you know.

mattia: i hope she does. i miss her.

he said looking at you as he did. he was so fucking confusing. 

your dad got in the passengers seat, your mom in the drivers, and your little brother in the backseat. 

mattia: things will get better. it'll take some time to heal, but eventually you'll come around. 

you fake smiled and nodded your head.

mattia: i promise.

y/n: ok. 

was it really going to get better?

mattia: ok. well, bye. 

y/n: bye.

you got in the car and left for your new life. 

hey, at least you'd be safe from michael. 

you tried to talk to y/s/n but he acted like he didn't know you at first. it took a while for it to seem normal between you two in the car. you guys slowly came to a stop at the rehabilitaion center. 

mattia polibio: my boyWhere stories live. Discover now