giving up hope

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a few weeks had passed since the breakup. you hadn't noticed how good mattia was at ghosting and throwing shade till now. 

he'd throw shade, along with his friends, at you on tiktok and shit. his fans wouldn't stop hating on you. it felt as if people wouldn't stop staring at you. 

but c'mon, it was a dumb kiss! all this because of a dumb kiss. why? why did he take it this far? 

michael was there for you though. he was the only person there for you, actually. he was so nice and caring. were you catching feelings? you didn't know. what you did know was that it's been 3 weeks since the breakup and you were still heartbroken. 

you'd never would've thought he was in a gang. 

he showed you the glock he keeps in his room, he showed you his shoes, he even gave you some of his money to 'treat yourself'. the money was dirty but still. 

you had used the money to make a basket, inspired by michael, to leave on mattia's doorsteps. a note that said how sorry you were and asking for a second chance. the basket was gone the next day. no word since. 

fucking bitch. 

the basket was then left on your doorstep 2 days later, the insides gone. just the basket was there. 

fucking bitch.  

he thought this was a game. it wasn't a game. it was your guys's relationship. well, past relationship? you didn't know.




mattia had social bash this week. you were currently at home putting on face masks with your mom. 

mom: so mattia's parents and your dad and i talked over dinner about what had happened. we have no bad blood. but y/n, i hope you know why your dad and i are so harsh on you.

you didn't respond. your parents were your biggest bullies, next to the bullies online. 

mom: we want you to be the best you when you grow up.

not gonna lie, you felt as if mattia was the only person that showed you love.

mom: we're sorry if you ever feel like we're too harsh. 

y/n: it's ok mom. 

she hugged you and took her mask off. you did as well. you rubbed the rest of the elements into your face after and checked your phone. something you did rarely now that you had so much fucking hate. last night you had cried all night reading some of the comments. you eventually turned your comment boxes off. there was no stopping other people's comments on other people's posts though. you had a hate page. yayyy. 

and then your heart stopped. you were tagged in a photo.

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