Chapter 5

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I trudge towards the cafeteria, collecting my tray of pizza, I look around and find Luke arguing with a pretty brunette, in a purple shirt. I walk over to them, flopping down to sit with them.

I pick up the pizza, about to chow it down, when suddenly, a hand snatched it and I look up to see Luke's blue eyes staring at me, "Kai, tell Piper that she drank my juice till it was half empty!"

I look and see a transparent bottle, "No! It's half full" the brunette retorts, I blink at them as they stare at me for judgement, "I don't know man, I just want my pizza" I say and Luke pouts "C'mon man, don't be like that" he says I roll my eyes, "Fine, you want me to settle this, gimme that bottle" Piper warily hands me the bottle, I open the cap and chug down the remaining fluid.

"There, happy?" I flick his forehead and he blinks rapidly, "What was that for?" I furrow my brows, "Well, since you couldn't decide what to do with the situation, I helped you out and that's what I'm all about"

I grab my pizza from Luke and close my eyes, chewing on...air? I look up to find sharp grey eyes staring into mine, amusement pure in his eyes, he drops down on the seat beside me, then he starts chewing on my pizza, MY PIZZA!

"Who the heck do you think you are? Coming to my table, eating my pizza, oh you are in for trouble!" he just keeps smirking, then starts licking the pizza sauce off his finger tips, his plump pink lips, my eyes narrow at him, oh, River, you do not mess with my food, I start to launch at him when Luke's hands hold mine, stopping me from pouncing on him,

"Let me go Luke, let me send him to tartarus" he raised a brow at me then stands up, walking away like a champion, he's gonna get a piece of my mind back at home. Fuming, I turn back to everyone in the cafeteria, "What are you looking at? Get back to your foods!" I yell, and snatch Luke's fries.


My ears are practically bleeding, I'm having a headache, my eyes are droopy from all the classes I've had to endure, and my stupid best friend won't shut up!

I storm towards my locker, grabbing all my things and stuffing them into my bag, don't judge but I'm to lazy to arrange my bag, also I'm so eager to go home and get  out of this dumb pants, so tight and restricting. Ugh!

Luke follows me out to the parking lot, humming a song to himself. My mind was so focused on shutting Luke and his blabbing out that I didn't even realize someone coming, my body collided with someone's, the impact causing the person to jerk back, my hand shoots out to grab his, stopping him from falling.

I'm met with striking green eyes, black hair with blue dyed tips, sharp and chiseled jaw, perfect nose and a shocked expression on his face.


He was good looking, but he didn't look as good looking as River, River wasn't even classified as good looking, he should be classified under one of the Greek gods that tempt every single female in sight.

Wait, why am i thinking of him?

"Are you okay?" I ask once he could stand, "Yeah, you are strong" he says, laughing a little.

"Oh hey Cal, I thought you've gone" Luke says beside me, I actually forgot he was here, "Nah, I'm still here for Tristan, he was supposed to take me home, who's the chic?"

I quirk a brow, studying him, feeling the need to bust his face in, "This is the one and only Kai Winters, my bestie" Luke beams, the guy raises his brows, "Wow, I thought she'd be a... girl, man she's got muscles, like are this real, pumped?"

Okay that is it.

"Now hold up, this muscles are real for your information, and what's so wrong about me not looking like all the girls here?" I treasure a step forward and he backs up, holding his hands up in mock surrender.
"Chill, you look cool though" he says and turns around, walking away fast. Luke turns and smiles at me, "Thanks, I was thinking of ways to get rid of him" I roll my eyes and start towards his car.

Once I get there, I stare ahead, waiting for Luke and the girl he was flirting with to finish their PDA.

My eyes catch some movement, white shirt, black pants, cold look, black tousled hair, firm jaw, staring, no, burning his gaze into the back of some guy's head.

I keep staring at him for god-knows-how-long, until done idiot decided to sneak up on me, I grab the hand, twisting  it as I turn to face a guy who was wide eyed, I let go of the hand, scared they I might do something worse than twisting a little.

"What do you want?" I ask him, "Every one's taking about the new hot girl, see my friends over there think you're hot, and since I'm hot, why don't we go out on a date, hmm?" I raise my brows, "Do you know my name?" he looks confused, "No?"

"Let me tell you something, not every girl you see goes on dates with guys that they just met, now just so you know, I'm not interested, and by the ways Mark, you should remember me from all of middle schools bullying"

He furrows his brows, "What are you taking about?" I smile,

"I'm Kai, Kai Winters"

His eyes widen and he stumbles back, shaking his head, hmm, I wonder what's wrong with him, when I turn around, I see River staring at me with a far off look, his gaze sending shivers down my spine.

The air shifts, our gaze locked on each other, it was like I could feel his touch on me, the tingling sensation on my skin, my senses closed by his intense stare.

"Kai, get in, let's go" a voice breaks me from the stare, I look up to find Luke staring at River, "Stay away from the Morales, he's not known to like the female race" he says as he looks back at me.

I nod and turn around, opening the door, I look back at River but don't find him there, only two people making out, I turn back and enter, letting Luke drive us to my house.

Hello my potatoes, sorry for the late update, I hope you enjoyed this chapter

Picture up is Luke.

But don't let that ruin your image of him.

Don't forget to

Until next time,

Much love

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