Chapter 28

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I gasp and sit up from the bed, my eyes were wide open, and my breaths short.

I turn and look at Neferankh sleeping peacefully beside me. I shake my head and get up, all signs of sleep already leaving me. I pull off my jacket and stand by the window, there wasn't any air tonight. Awkward.

I let out a puff of breath and dig my fingers into my hair,  ruffling it. My fingers unconsciously reach to touch the skin I scraped when that can almost hit me. Luke was fast enough to push me out of the way, which led me to scraping my arm.

That car was headed to me, I mean, the place is a deserted place but a really expensive car shows up, and their intention is to hit me.

This is what I meant when I told Sergio that people actually want to kill me.

But the question is why?

Why was the person headed for me?

The person literally made it known that he or she wanted to have my blood.

And there's no way of knowing, the windows were tainted almost as black as the car.

I close my eyes and try to find some quiet but fail when I hear Cosmo's really loud snoring. A smile cracks on my face and I roll my eyes at him. Only to catch a moving figure stumbling towards my house.

I lean closer against the window and squint my eyes, a flash of piercing grey meet my eyes and I widen them, gasping a little. "River." My voice came out as a soft whisper. He looks up again and sees me, then he drops.

I jump back and run downstairs, grabbing the keys, I throw the door open and run to where he fell, his head turns to me and I such a little, knowing I won't be able to carry him all the way in without his help. I crouch down to carry him and he slightly moves back, like he was flinching away from me.

My chest oddly hurt, but I shake my he'd and try to carry him again, this time let's me. I turn towards his house but he stops moving and says only one thing.


I nod and turn back to my house help him to the house. Once we were in, I place him on a stool,resting his back against the wall so he doesn't fall. Lynx jumped on the table and made an irritated noise, probably cursing MW in her head for waking her up. I look down to see my hand with blood and I turn to River, his shirt had a hole in it where he was slightly bleeding from.

I rush and get the first aid kit, then I walk to him, "Take off your shirt." He shakes his head and I glare at him, "Take it off, now." His eyes widen at the tone I used and he took off the shirt, the space that he wanted to cover up with tattoos was still bare, showing his skin.  

I suck in a deep breath and let my eyes go to the cut, it wasn't too deep, just a little open. I clean it up and decide to stitch it.

I grab the stitches and start when I hear his voice, "Kai." It's all he says, I inhale deeply and try yo focus on what I'm doing, "Oh so now you can talk to me."

He inhales sharply, his fists clenching beside him, "How did you get this cut?" I ask and he scoffs, "You're probably thinking I went and fought someone just for the heck of it."

I roll my eyes, already getting mad, "If I thought that, I wouldn't ask you, at least some of us don't judge before we know the true story."

I look at him and see his eyes have dropped to the floor. I scoff and turn my attention back to the stitches.

"What did you expect me to think?" I hear his voice ask, I still and clench my jaw.

"I didn't want you to think, I wanted you to trust me, just like my family did, but obviously you didn't." I finish up and stand up, looking at the stitches. "You'll have to get it stitched again, mines am little rough."

I swallow and turn to the sink to washy hands. "Thank you." Was the reply I didn't expect.

I nod and walk upstairs, deciding to get a shirt for him since his own is ruined. I open the door to Kyler's room, seeing the sleeping Min-Jun and Adrian. I tiptoe to the closet and grab a shirt, before rushing out.

When I get back down the stairs, he's already holding Lynx and her soft purrs cut through the silent air. "Here." I hand him the shirt and his eyes zero on my scraped skin instead, "How'd you get that?" He asks, I tilt my head to the side and scoff.

A lot of scoffing tonight. 

"You didn't answer my question, why should I answer yours?" His eyes linger on the injury before he collects the shirt. I walk to the fridge and get out a Kit Kat pack, open in it, I walk to the living room and turn on the TV, the time still reading 2:43 AM.

I put one in my mouth and let it melt into my tongue, my taste buds exploding. Soon enough the couch dips beside me and I let out an angry puff of air.

"What?" I ask, irritated.

"I'm sorry, Rivera explained it to me and I thought of it and I-"

"Oh so Rivera had to tell you that you did the most stupid thing ever by coming to conclusions without thinking of what actually happened?"

We get into a stare down, my glare fixated on him and his on me. "What did you expect me to do? It was the same thing Kara did!" He explodes and I flinch back only catching one thing. 

"Who's  Kara?" His eyes snap to mine, his widening.

"You don't need to know that."

"Yes, yes I do, you can't just drop stuff like that and expect me to 'not need to know that' you we're the first to tell me that, so why tell me that I don't need to know that." His eyes turn to mine and he glares.

"I at least deserve to know why you didn't talk to me after finding out about my daughter." He flinches at the tone I use and lets out a long sigh.

"Kara was my girlfriend."

Those four words hit me like a brick, burning and digging into my chest. "She cheated on me, she didn't know who the father was and then later, she died."

All the ability to breathe got cut of and I took in a sharp breath. "I was blamed for the death and I went to jail until my dad bailed me out." His voice had an edge to it, I couldn't quite put my finger on.

"That's why you didn't want to talk to me?" I ask, stepping closer to him.

"Would you give me a break? I was thinking that every girl is the same and she really did the worst to me." His last words comes out as a whisper.

"Oh, you stupid, stupid boy, I was raped you idiot!" I yell, and his eyes widen and his jaw drops to the floor, I let out a laugh.

That was not the reaction I was expecting.

I hear my baby crying and I run upstairs, opening my door to see Neferankh searching for me, "Baby, come here." I coo and carry her. She clings onto my shirt and rests her head in the crook of my neck.

"Are you hungry baby?" She makes a soft noise and I laugh, carry in her downstairs. River sees me and her and his eyes widen even more.

I hold her out to him, "Baby, this is the jerk that made me sad, River." I say and hand her to him, she looks at him for a while before she spread her lips in a smile.

River's wide eyes soften and he takes her hand, only to get slapped across the face.

I howl out, laughing and her baby giggles join mine when she sees the shocked expression on his face. 

Like mother, like daughter.

___________________ __________________

I'm back!

I've recovered fully and I'll update faster again.

Anyways, not time for author's note.

Until next time,

Much love


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