Chapter 29

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River's face was priceless and the smile on my daughters face made his situation even funnier. She slapped him again.

Three good times.

Now, I'm on the couch with him, watching a movie at 3:23 AM in the morning. I wasn't actually watching the movie, just staring. Neferankh's soft snores make me smile but I don't move to take her to my bed, knowing she'll wake up if I do that.

"She's beautiful." I hear his voice, I turn my head and see him already staring at me intently.

"Of course, she my daughter." I scoff and his eyes twinkling in amusement. I roll my eyes and he let's out a light laugh. "Yes, as beautiful as her mother." His voice was a whisper, most like it wasn't meant to be heard.

I close my eyes and clench my teeth, "Don't say that." I say and he furrows my brows. "What?"

"Don't say that. Don't say that, you hurt me, you can't just say that stuff and make me feel all fuzzy when I want you to pay, you left me, River, my mother left me, how do you think that made me feel huh? It was my mother that told me everyday that she loved me, but she still left. Now I can't even tell my own daughter that I love her because I hate that word."

The tears threaten to spill but I hold it in, staring down at him. His eyes were wide, his face crumpled.

"I- I didn't know that, I didn't mean to hurt you." He whispers.

"Yes, yes you did, I know you did, you showed me, you think that I didn't catch you glancing at me, and then randomly making out with those girls? Well I saw everything. And it really fucking hurt." My voice breaks at the end, the tears already spilling.

His thumbs reaches out and wipes the tears away, "I'm sorry I hurt you Kai, but I wasn't thinking, I was also hurt when I found out that you had a child but didn't tell me, I thought you were just like her, I'm so sorry." His eyes fall to the floor, I sniffle and walk to the crib in the living room, I know, we have a lot of spaces where we can of her because she falls asleep really quick.

I carefully place her in and walk back to the couch, "I know, it just hurt, a lot." He swallows and nods, his eyes filled with pain.

We sit there in silence until my throat gets dry, so I get up, not expecting him to follow. I walk to the kitchen either way, not caring, I take a glass and fill it with water. I look at him before turning around and gulping it down.

I turn around, about to ask him something when I realize how close he was, his chest pressing against mine, my back against the counter.

His minty breath hits my face, the warmth of his body, it made my mind go blank, I didn't even remember what I was going to ask him.


His deep and husky voice sends shivers down my spine, deliciously.

Where is this all coming from?

My lips part and he sucks in a sharp breath, his huge, rough hands holding my waist. I shiver when his fingers graze against my exposed skin, my eyes threatening to close.

He leans in, his head resting in the crook of my neck, lips brushing against my skin. His lips find my ear, teeth capturing the lobe of my ear. My eyes flutter close before I snap it open and swallow.

His lips suck on the skin that connects my neck and shoulder. I clutch on his shoulder, knowing that my knees have buckled and my legs have failed me.

His tongue lays a wet line on my skin and I gasp, my eyes rolling to the back of my head. His grip on my waist tightens and he picks me up, placing me on the counter. He wraps my legs around his waist and pulls me closer to him. His tongue comes out to lick his lips, making my lips part.

He raises his hands, placing them on the sides of my neck, his thumb brushing against my jaw.


He repeats. I lick my lips, staring into his piercing grey eyes. He sucks in a breath, moving closer to me, his lips find my jaw, kissing his way up, he sucks on the spot behind my ear and I bite my lip from moaning.

He pulls back, chuckling as a little sound of protest escapes me before I even know it.

"I have to go, dream of me."

I don't think I'll even sleep anymore.


I'm going to have River's head.

Do you know why?


I'll tell ya.

I'll tell ya alright.

I didn't sleep after our little… activity. I told y'all I wouldn't sleep.

Then he took me to school in his car, leaving the guys dumbfounded. Even Neferankh was staring at me like I was a fool.

Then he dropped me at school, right next to Luke's car, who by the way was fuming.

Then he kissed my cheek, and held my waist for longer than anyone expected.

Then he decided to make an announcement in physics class that no one should ask him if we're together right now.

You think that's all?

Oh no!

After that, he proceeded to make me sit in his lap at lunch, where Luke and Piper just looked at us with their mouths dropping to the floor. In fact, the while cafeteria was silently watching. 

I had to refrain from not pouncing on him, and punching the hell out of his disgustingly, annoyingly, handsome, smooth face.

After that, he told me to ride with him, to god-knows-where.

But now, here we are.

At Alejandro's tattoo shop.

He decided he wanted me to be there when he was going to get his new tattoo.

And why do I want to kill him, he told me to wait outside.

So the whole point of me being there was just so I can stand outside the door, pacing back and forth.

All to what?!

I groan in frustration and text dad, asking him how Neferankh was doing. 

Dada: She's playing with Kole now, but should I be worried about Jake, he's smoking at the back.

Me: No, he's fine, just a little stressed. I'll talk to him when I get back, just make sure Nigel doesn't do weed while Jake is smoking.

Dad: Should they even be doing weed?

Me: Probably not, but I'm not the person to tell them to stop, just make sure Neferankh eats her fruits.

The doors open and I spring up only to see Alejandro with a smirk on his face.

"He'll see you now." He says in a very formal Italian accent and I roll my eyes.

I walk into the room, fuming.

"Now listen to me you little piece of s-"

My mouth hangs open when I see something.

Something that cut me shut.

Something that left me dripping.

___________________ ___________________


I actually wrote this chapter for 4 hours and now I'm really tired.

Until next time,

Much love


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