Chapter 48

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The doctors had come to check up on me a lot more times than I can count on my two hands.

I honestly think it's because I'd gotten into an accident not long before I nearly killed myself. Luke had called it the most stupid thing someone could do, Kyler ate my Kit Kats in front of me, without giving me anything and River, well, he kissed everything better.

There was a time he was eating something chocolatey and he kissed me and I could taste it on his lips and mouth. It was bliss.

So here I am, sitting on my bed and playing chess with dad while River plays with my hair.

It's kind of surprising that dad is chill about River and I, more chill than he naturally is even after he knew what River did when he found out about Neferankh.

It's kind of creepy.

Kyler walks in with a bag of food and I start drooling.

Hospital food is the worst.

Sometimes I feel like they put some cleaning agent in the food, it tastes like the smell of my room.

Funny and disgusting, I know.

"Gimme, gimme, gimme." I whine and he chuckles, pulling out a bag of fries and a wrap for me.

I lick my lips as I open it, picking at the fries. Neferankh tugs on my arm and I smile at her.

She drags my wrist and opens her mouth, biting the fry in between my fingers. River laughs and kisses my temple, grabbing the fries to feed Neferankh.

I look back at dad, his eyes trained on the chess board, it's clear that he's going to move the rook, he has a look on his face.

Yep, I played with him so many times that I know the look on his face whenever he's about to choose a move.

River tugs on my cheek with his teeth and I turn my head to look at him, then I see him holding up the fries, I grab them with my teeth and smile at him as I chew.

"I'm gonna be sick." I hear Kyler mutter and I stick my tongue out at him.

"Oh, come off it, go get yourself a babe, and let Min-Jun tag along, you both need lives." Dad laughs and claps him on his shoulder. Kyler groans in pain and moves away from dad, rubbing his shoulder.

"Thanks a lot, dad." He mutters and dad rolls his eyes, laughing to himself.

"Kai, I'm tired, I don't think I should be thinking at my old age, oh my back hurts, I think I just cracked my hip." Dad cries dramatically, holding his hip.

"Dad, you're forty." I say and he looks at me before crying again.

"Kyler, get me my cane!" He yells and I roll my eyes at him.

"Is he always like this?" I hear River ask.

"You don't know the half of it."


"How you being darling?" Min-Jun asks as he sips out of his milkshake. I shrug and play with my hair, looking at the door.

River and Luke went to school this morning and I've been bored out of my life. Kyler and Min-Jun are going back to college tomorrow so Kyler's home packing.

Min-Jun came to see me one last time before leaving, it's too bad I won't be there to see them off. 

Rivera had been spending a lot of time with her husband lately but she always tries to drop by with some cinnamon rolls or turkey sandwich for me. Liam too came over to see me twice, he couldn't stop looking at Neferankh and carrying her, Rivera was scared that he'll want to have ten kids.

It's still hilarious everytime I remember the look on her face.

Dad has gone to the gym, special students today, he had to go.

Mother and her husband hadn't come to visit me ever since Nova had given her that slap. Marc was here early, just to joke around, give me a kiss on my forehead and ask me a few questions on how to make a pregnant woman feel nice.

Nova had come over to check on her baby's health, so she dropped by but had to get back because she was tired.

"I'm good, but I hate being stuck in this building, and I have to stop boxing for like a year depending on how fast I heal because of the accidents." I pout and he smiles a little.

"Awn, it's not that bad baby, just don't go jumping into another adventure without someone there to accompany you in a hospital bed." He laughs and I shove him.

"I'm gonna miss your fat head." I say and he rolls his eyes. "I'm gonna miss your dumbass lame exchange of curse words." He laughs and I bite my lip at his cute face, watching him push his glasses further up his nose.

"C'mere," I say and he gets up, wrapping his arms around me, pulling me to his chest.

"I wish you wouldn't go." I mutter into his shoulder and he runs my back, "Me too, but I have to, you know, and don't you want to see me with a babe next time?" He asks and I shake my head.

"Don't you dare cheat on me, I'm your one and only." I gasp and he laughs, kissing my temple.

"Never." I nod and kiss his cheek.

I'm so going to miss those two doofuses.


"-so I'm like, 'Bish don't talk to me like that, imma go all Kong Fu Panda on yo ass like shit, I know the moves by heart and you ain't gon' like it, by the way you got some more s'mores?' And he be looking at me like-"



"Shut it!" I snap and he grins sheepishly at me.

I'd talked to all of them, but they'd fallen asleep, leaving me talking to myself.


"Look, I have to go, I'll talk to you later, Raven's calling me." He says and I nod, waving at him, he smiles and does  a cute face before it turns to a scowl as Raven calls him again.

The call cuts and I roll, looking at the pile of books beside me that River had brought.


Fudge my life.

________________ _______________

This was incredibly hard because I was so distracted, ugh!

But here, it's shorter by a few hundred words but I hope you enjoy it.


Until next time,

Much love


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