Chapter 8

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My eyes shoot open as my back hits the floor, typical. My legs are still on the bed, tangled in the sheets, the pillow is across the room and the alarm clock is broken and on the floor.

Great, now I have to buy a new clock.

A soft 'meow' makes me turn my head to the sound. I stare at the grey kitten with black stripes, tugging softly at the explosion I called 'hair' up until now.

Finally getting out of the tangled mess, I drop my legs to the floor and pull the kitten to my face. Her soft fur tickling the skin on my face, her wicked playful eyes stare at me as a smile tugs on my lips. 

I stand up walk into the bathroom, staring at the birds nest on my head through the mirror. I groan, knowing how hard it will be to get the tangles out.

I grab my toothbrush, sliding the toothpaste on it, I shove it into my mouth, scrubbing my teeth and then taking a mouthwash.

When I'm done, I walk downstairs, towards the kitchen and to the and to the fridge, take out a carton of milk, pouring it into a bowl.

I set it down for the kitten. Walk towards the stove and the pot of last night, taking out the fried chicken, I take out enough to feed a nation, and all just for me.

Looking at the kitten, I cut one, putting it in my mouth. "I should really give you a name" I say as I put another piece in my mouth. "How about pumpkin, no? Trish? Felicity?" The kitten tilts her head, giving me the 'are you serious?' kind if look. Like as if mocking me. Kids these days, I swear...

"Alright, I'll just give up, Lynx would have been better but you are so picky" I look up and see that the kitten is grinning... If that's even possible.

"Lynx?" She gave a sift meow and actually catwalks over to me, her tail dancing behind her, I pick her up and place her on kitchen island.

She eyes the chicken on plate, I try so hard to ignore  that face, but I mean c'mon, who can ignore a cat for so long? I gush and cut the chicken into tiny pieces, she ducks her head and moves closer to the plate, eating.

"We're gonna get you checked, see if your sick or something"

When Lynx is done, I throw the dishes into the dishwasher, I grab a glass and fill it with water, gulping it down, I let her finish her milk, and then wash out the plate.

As soon as all the dishes are dried and kept away, I walk back upstairs to have a bath. I rummage through my closet and pull out dark shorts and a grey shirt that has a psycho's face on it.

More like me on it.

I shut the creepy voice out and take off my shirt only to find Lynx staring at me intently, well judging from my SpongeBob Squarepants PJ's, she's got to wonder. I roll my eyes and throw a ball of yarn i found in my closet that Jake had probably put in my bag when I was moving from Ridgeview.

I turn and walk into the bathroom, closing the door behind, I strip and walk under the shower, letting the cold water wake me up.

If there was one thing you could do on a Sunday, what would it be? Me, I'll sleep the whole day or watch friends or go training. There's always been a connection with me and boxing.

Last year, I was actually being trained for kick boxing, didn't end well, I put my trainer in a comma. Dad thought it was best to just train me for boxing, no other person and Lord he's brutal.

After putting on my clothes, I grab the keys and Lynx, since I have no car, the next thing I do is text Luke asking where he is, his response made me want to shove his legs up his...

Happy thoughts Kai, happy thoughts.

I bite my lip and take in a deep breath, I run my hand through Lynx's fur and look around, dad took the car, that bozo isn't coming, and there's no other person to ask.

Are you sure?

As if on cue, that nincompoop of a neighbour walks out to his car, giving me a once over, he quirks a brow. I look away and furrow my brows, he's a perv and a show off.

I huff and look at the cute kitten in my hands, somehow, she looks like she's pouting but at the same time, telling me to suck up my pride and get into his stupid car.

I roll my eyes and walk up to him, "Morales," I say as I reach him, "Winters" he nods, "I need a ride" I murmur, his brows shoot up in surprise, "Finally seen someone who talks to me without stuttering" he says.

I roll my eyes "Oh please, not everyone is scared if the stupid act you put on to be a bad boy"

"And no one can see right through the sane act you put on" my heart rate picks up, my eyes widen and I bit my lip, "Just take me to the vet" he turns and opens the door, I turn to the other side and slide in with Lynx.

"Where'd you get her?" He asks as he starts driving, "Doorbell rang last night, opened it and found her" I stare out the window. "Hmm" I turn to look at him, his face scarred but still as perfect as an imperfection...whatever that means.

His dark hair roughed up, that jaw line that looks so alluring, making me want to run my hand over it. "You do know, if you wanted to look, all you had to do was ask, now I feel violated" I scoff "Please, don't flatter yourself, a blind person would know you're an ugly narcissist" he fake gasps "I am not ugly, you're just scared to admit it"

I look at his hands and all the cuts and how rough they look. "Why don't you wear a glove or something when you fight?" I ask and he looks surprised, then he covers it up with a blank expression, "That's cos I don't wait to get gloves" he replies to calmly, I shrug and the car stops, I look ahead and see the vet shop ahead, "Thanks" I say and open the car door, he doesn't reply and I look back to him, "And you owe me pizza" I close the door and find him smirking to himself, son of a pickle.

___________ _______________ ___________ _______

I am soooooooo sorry. My phone got missing but then I found out that I forgot it in the grocery store and I had to go back to get it after like two days, and I know I promised to update sooner and I really am sorry for that.

Anyways, Happy Easter, I know we couldn't go out to celebrate or have fun with friends because of the lockdown but here's an update, and a longer one too.

Besides, I font want to be in grade ten for another year.

Anyways, what's your favorite song?

Mine's Legends by Juice WRLD.

Oh and one more question, Roddy Ricch or Da Baby?

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts,

Much love,


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