Chapter 23

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"What the fuck?"

I hear Nigel yell as they all look in discomfort at the scene in my bedroom. I hold onto Neferankh, her head safely buried in the crook of my neck, scared that if she sees what is there, it would scar her for life.

"What is this?" Adrian yells and storms towards my bed, gripping the dead animal with a dangerous glint in his eyes. Cosmo walked over to him, trying to calm him down.

I just stare in shock at my room, nothing was out of place, nothing. The person only had an intention of decorating the floors and bed with blood.

I close my eyes and take in a deep breath, the blood was still fresh, warm and still a little more...fluid.

I lean against the wall and Kole runs his fingers through my hair, I bite my lip and open my eyes, looking to find anything that says that someone had been in here, other than the blood of course.

Nothing. Nothing screams someone was in here.

"Who do you think it is?" Jake asks with a calm voice, Adrian snaps his head to him, his eyes searching. "Do you think maybe-" Cosmo starts but I cut him off.

"No, Lucas is in jail, back in Ridgeview. There's no way in tartarus that he escaped, and even if he did, he wouldn't pull of this stupid stunt, he'd just walk in, pull a gun on us and try to kill us for dumping him in jail."

Kole nods and crouches down to examine the blood. "Should we call the police or…" Nigel asks as Adrian rips the sheets off my bed.

"No, the cops wouldn't do anything, it may be a prank, but even if someone is behind it, it'll take months for them to figure out who's behind it, we'll do better on our own." Adrian says and I couldn't help but agree more.

Kole, Cosmo and Nigel leave to get the cleaning items. Jake turns to me, seeing the confusion on my face. "Hey, you're okay, no one got hurt, we'll figure it out." I nod and he places a kiss on my head before telling Adrian to go wash his hands.

I walk out of the room, Neferankh's soft snores made me smile. I suck in my bottom lip and walk to dad's room, placing her on his bed.

"Kai?" I hear Cosmo call, I walk out and walk downstairs, Cosmo and Kole were in the living room, "Yeah?" I ask and furrow my brows at them.

"Should we tell your dad?" It was Kole that asked, I look at the both of them, if we tell dad, he'll just worry, a lot.

"No." I shake my head, Luke walks in, holding a bag of trash and another bag which I assume has the raccoon, Adrian walks down with the sheets and follows Luke outside.

Nigel, Cosmo and Kole move back upstairs to clean up the blood with the bleach.

Jake and I stay in the kitchen, just in silence. I suck in a breath and look at him, "So, what do you think I should cook?"


My bandaged hand was gripping Neferankh's teddy, the other hand was adjusting her shirt. "Alright baby, are you hungry?" I ask and she squeals at the mention of food, she really does take after me.

I let out a small chuckle and put down her teddy, and sit close to her, holding her tiny blue plate. Cosmo and Adrian had gone to bed, leaving myself, Kole, Min-Jun and Nigel awake.

Dad returned four hours after were able to clean everything before himself and Min-Jun came back yesterday.

"Kai, don't you have homework due tomorrow?" Min-Jun asks, typing away on his phone. I sigh, remembering the geometry homework I haven't done.

"Yeah." My shoulders slump as I feed another spoon to Neferankh. "Go on, I'll feed her." I turn to him, "Are you sure, I could do it after I'm done." He shakes his head and shoos me away.

I smile and run up the stairs, my room had been cleaned, new sheets, the floor had no sign nor stain of blood on it.

I pull out my notebook from my backpack, settling down on my bed, I start solving. 

Well solving until I slept off.


The next morning, I woke up to Neferankh slapping my face. Even my daughter wakes up earlier than me on a Monday morning.




"Ahhhhh!" I yell as I spring up from the bed. "Your backpack is packed, breakfast is ready and your homework is done." Adrian says, licking a lollipop.

Where did he even get that?

"Also, school starts in twenty minutes and Luke will be here in ten, I'll advice you-" he didn't even have to finish before I dashed into the bathroom.

I speed bath, like washing my hair while brushing my teeth, brushing my hair while wearing my shorts. Eating while running out of the house.

I literally took the plate out of the house. Nigel was about to follow me when Neferankh started crying, I groaned and ran back to carry her, just at the same time Luke hit the breaks in our driveway.

I slip into the car, holding Neferankh close to me. Nigel gets in the back and Luke speeds off.

"How are we always late?" He asks as we make a turn, "I don't know, you tell me." We turn into the school parking lot and I open the door at the same time Luke stops the car.

Everyone in the parking lot stops whatever they were doing and turn to look at us, Luke tosses the keys to Nigel and I kiss Neferankh's forehead then give her to Nigel before bolting like Husain Bolt to the doors.

I skid down the halls to stop at my locker, I finish the last bites of my sandwich just at the same time the bell rings.

I pull out my old English notebook and dash towards the class. But not before my eye caught a certain grey eyed male.

And not before I ran into Bruce.

_______________ _______________


My connection yesterday was terrible and I tried so hard to post this chapter buutt, it still did not help.

So here your chapter is, who can guess the person behind the death of that poor raccoon?

Any who, I'm on to the next chapter...which may or mayn't be today.

Is mayn't even correct?

Until next time,

Much love


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