Chapter 39

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He's gone.

His heart is stopped.



Please proceed and read the latest chapter, I'm sleepy and I don't know what I'm writing anymore.

My eyes roll to the back of my head and I collapse, falling into the arms of someone.

I don't care to know because there only thing that seems appealing to me now, is sitting my eyes and letting everything drown.

And so I do that.

For which I may sooner regret.


"Baby please come back to me, please, I need you, I do fucking need you, I'm falling apart Kai, your dad is heartbroken, we need you, I need you."


"You stupid little fuck of a sister, I honestly don't know why you did that, but I swear, when you wake up, I'm banning you from watching TV that makes you think you can do shit like that and no Kit Kats for a whole year!"


"I miss you so bad, no one to tease me while the other fools video it, good, no one to scold Nigel and have from smoking, when you wake up, I'm so going to hug the life out of you, I miss you so much."


"You know I always knew you were stupid but I never knew you were this stupid, I mean come on, you screamed when you weren't meant to even talk, you ran when your body killed, and you weren't fully recovered, you, dear Kai, are so fucking insane, I'll tell you that, and in case you don't know, it's Nigel, the doctors here keep criticizing me for smoking when it's perfectly normal!"


"I want to beat you so fucking bad but Kole won't let me, says I shouldn't mess up your face, me Cosmo! He even told me that you're prettier than me! How absurd is that?!"


"Hey kiddo, how'd it going on I'm your head? You've always had a weird view of things, hope you're fighting some ultimate battle I'm there with Goku and Vegeta, I know how much you hate Freeza, defeat her for me."


"Darling, I swear if you wake up now I'll name my daughter Kai junior, I won't even think it over!"


"Kai, I must say you being my daughter had been the best thing that can ever happen to me. When your mom went missing, I couldn't handle it, but you did, because you were and still are stronger than anyone I'll ever know, please come back to me, I can't lose you too."


"Kyler is a huge dick, I know I'm not supposed to use curse words because you hate them but I really cannot take it anymore, he sprinkled glitter all over my face, and had the audacity to call me Eou-Jung! My own mother's name!"


"Ugh, life without you sucks, who am I supposed to dress up and style her hair while I try out a new makeup I saw on someone? I tried fixing Adrian's hair but he nearly chopped all of mine off! Who the fuck does that?!"


"I need to smoke something, but I won't because you've always beat me up when I did, so I'll wait for you to wake up, then I'll smoke so you can beat me up."


"Mama, ma, ugh, ah."


"I made cinnamon rolls for you, I thought it will make me feel better and I guess it did, but River kept eating all of it, he irritates me so much, it's to bad he's my brother."


"I was wondering when you were gonna come back to get a new tattoo, looks like you've been having so much fun love decided to give you a break, if you don't mind, when you wake up, u want you to look through some of my designs, I want to really get your opinion since you just had to get a really weird tattoo of a snack, it's why you're my favorite."


"So when you said people were trying to kill you, you really did mean it, woah! There's no one around to prove me wrong by pushing me to the ground."


"Kai, I had to fly back here to check on you, I told Min-Jun not to have too much fun and it turns out that you're the one who had life around yourself, battle those demons in your head with a very dramatic scene and when you wake up, you'll stand on a stage and act it out for me, my life is extremely boring without you."


"I think I just saw her eye move."

"Don't be stupid Kole."


"Lynx says 'meow'."


"Jomana shit get diaper today and we made River change it, he looked like he was gonna barf, he was so green!"


"To price my point, I'm eating all your Kit Kats, no more for you!"


"Kai, please wake up, the accident was all my fault, I need you to be with me now, I don't care what it takes to get you back, but I'll always be your best friend."

My finger twitches.

_______________ _______________

This chapter is super short and it's because I'm really sleepy.

It isn't even much of a chapter sooner nothing really happened…

Anyways, I think I'll jump right into bed now. I haven't with my glasses on four days and it's really taking a toll on me, I don't know if anyone else feels it but my eyelids get a little heavier.

So I'm off now,

Don't forget to vote and comment your thoughts on this little chap here.

Until next time,

Much love


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