Chapter 58

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I wake up with a pounding headache, like I was a practice tool for drilling. When I try move, my shoulder burns and I grunt from the pain, immediately going back to the position I was in before.

I flutter my eyes open slowly, the blinding light causing me to use my arm to shield my eyes. Once I'm used to the light, I start sitting up slowly, making sure not to put any pressure on my shoulder. My breathing becomes laboured as I take in my surrounding. River is hanging from the wall, even more beaten up than the last time I saw him.

I wouldn't have even recognised him.

"Ah, the princess is awake." I hear a voice say and I turn to look at the person. Dark hair and blue eyes stare back at me.

I remain quiet and he just shrugs, sucking his teeth. "Okay, I see you still don't want to talk, alright." He says and stands up, turning to go.

"Why are you doing this to him?" I ask, watching as he freezes. He tilts his head a little then looks back at me.

"I'm not doing anything, that's the job of my sister and I'm helping her carry it out, but it has its upside, I get to see you hurt from it." He says and turns around, smiling at me.

"Adrian you don't have to do this." I plead with him, tears pricking my eyes as I move forward.

"You don't get to tell me what to do! I have been with you, I have supported you, and what do I get? Nothing! Nothing Kai!" He yells and River starts shaking. I freeze, my tears falling freely down my chin.

He walks out of the room, slamming the door. I fall back to the bed, crying into the sheets.

How could he have done this to me? He was the one I trusted the most out of the six, he was my best friend whenever Luke wasn't there. How could this be possible. He's the same guy that hugged me when I was scared, and when I cried, and he was the one that threw me over his shoulder when I refused to walk.

That's the person I know. Or knew.

"Kai?" A cracked voice calls out and I look up, cleaning my tear stained face. I stand up and see River's face contorted in pain, he's clearly awake.

I rush to him and touch his face, the tears falling again. I look around and see a key, maybe Adrian left it here. I pick it up and start trying it in all the holes of the cuffs.

When I'm able to get him down, I manage to drag him with my one good hand to the bed. He smiles once his back touches the sheets.

"Oh does it feel good to be on a bed again." He whines and tries to stretch, popping some bones back as he does so. His grunts comes out loud and a son escapes my lips.

He looks at me, his eyes softening from the humor and pain they just showed. He sits up, using his thumb to clean my tears. He tugs at the side of my lips and smiles in amusement.

I let out a small laugh at him and he smiles wider, pulling me to him. I start sobbing into his shoulder but he doesn't say anything or try to stop me, he just rubs my back, kissing the top of my head.

I cry, and I cry, and he's just there, letting me soak his shirt.


My hand runs through River's soft and silky hair slowly. He thought I was asleep so he fell asleep after I had finished crying.


He came into my life through a window, from a mistake of mine. I can still remember how he looked at me when he caught me staring at him. And then from them on, he refused to let me be.

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