Chapter 7

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Picture up is Kai

I fall to the ground, drenched in sweat, my breathing laboured, my muscles sore, my eyes rolled to the back of my head, gasping desperately for air.

I turn to look at the evil doer, the mastermind behind my pain, and also shortage of breath, my dad.

"You are gonna be the death of me, you" I rasp out, he chuckles, looking at me, we were both sprawled the floor, after an intense boxing match, none of us wanted to back down, I bit my lip as he stood up, shaking my head as I tried to get up, his hand stretched out to help me up.

I grasped it, pushing myself up with his help, I reach for the water bottle once I stand comfortably, taking a quick swig, I pour the rest all over my hair, "Hey, stop wasting water!" dad yells and splashed water on me, "Hey, you're the one wasting water now!" I counter and splash water on him.

Soon we weren't only drenched in sweat but also in water, from her to toe. Dad went in to get towels since he could take off his shirt. I sit on the grass, taking my hair out of its ponytail, I run my hand through it, untangling the curls, I look at my blue boxing gloves on the floor, sighing, I look up, hoping to see intense grey eyes staring at me only to be met by black curtains.

A towel hits me in the face, I pull it away and glare at my dad, he just smiles and starts cleaning himself.

I pick the towel and dry off the sweat, making my body less sticky. I lick my chapped lips, closing my eyes for a moment, "C'mon kiddo, go in and have a shower" dad says add he starts towards the door, I pick up my boxing gloves, smiling lightly and slowly following him into the house, I make my way up the stairs, to my room, I place the gloves on my desk and walk with heavy footsteps to my bathroom.

I strip and take my hair out of its ponytail, walking under the shower, cold water hit my hot body, sending a wave of calmness wash over me, I grab the shampoo, pouring the liquid into my palms and massaging it into my hair.

I smile softly as the scent of peaches fill my nostrils. Satisfied with how clean my hair is, I wash off the shampoo and apply the coconut conditioner, then taking the body wash, I scrub, washing away all the sweat and pain, I let the water run down, taking the dirt and soap with.

I breath out, my muscles sore, but a little better, I turn off the shower, grabbing a towel, I wrap it around my body, and step onto the mat, sucking up all the water from my leg.

I grab a smaller one, drying my hair out with it, I step into my room, fast footsteps towards my closet, I pull out a black shorts, a sports bra and a huge shirt I stole from Kyler.

Fully dressed up, I walk to the living room, seeing dad on the couch watching Power puff girls, I swear he's a grown man, even I don't get him sometimes.

I flop down on the couch beside him, resting my head on his shoulder, watching Bubbles and Blossom try to get some creatures out of Buttercup's head....weird!

"What's for dinner tonight?" I ask as I open my phone, "I'm thinking chicken..."
He paused, looking at me, "Just chicken?" I arc a brow, he just shrugs and turns to face the TV.

I sigh and open my Whatsapp, texting Luke, I see that it's 6:23 pm, my brows shoot up, and I jump to my feet, walking to the kitchen.

I take out the chicken from the freezer and dunk it into the sink, washing it with the water. I take out a pot, putting the chopped chicken in it.

After spicing it and...adding every other thing, I put it on the stove and walk back to the living room where dad was just hanging up from a call, he looks up at me just as I walk in.

"Honey, I'm sorry, Min-Jun's mother just called, I have to go see her, I might be back late, so don't bother about my dinner, I'll see you tomorrow" he says and kisses my hair, walking towards the front door, he pulls it open then turns to me, "Be safe" I smile and nod, watching him walk out the door.

Sighing softly, I lay on the couch only to hear the doorbell blast through, groaning, I pull myself up and yank the door open only to find.....


Hello my potatoes.

I'm so sorry about this late update, but here you have it,

I know this chapter is a little short, but I had to do something real quick, and i know how much I owed you guys a chapter, i just couldn't let you guys wait anymore second.

So what or who do you think is at the door, be sure to comment your thoughts,

Also, don't forget to vote.

Yours sincerely,


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