Chapter 17

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Do you hate alarm clocks? I do but I hate my best friends more. "Ugh, Cosmo get off me!" I yell and kick him, he rolls of the ground and lands with a thud, "Ouch!" He cries and Kole starts laughing at him, "What are you guys doing in my room?" I ask as I rub my eyes from exhaustion.

I couldn't sleep well last night, the image of Rivers' scared face of the last two nights stuck in my head, it happened yesterday and the day before, drilling itself into my memory, to be forever stuck there, now its Friday, yay me!

By the time I had started to doze off, the sun was already rising, I had gotten only an hour of sleep and I think I may just die right now. "You have school in an hour and I have to dress you up, ugh! That hair is blinding me, go on now, shoo, go have a shower while I pick out your clothes."

I roll my eyes and get out off bed, trudging silently but stop as Kole calls my name, I turn around and he shoves a shampoo bottle and another which I assume is conditioner. I groan and rush into the bathroom, knowing that Kole will use all the time in the world to fix up my hair. Once I'm done, I wrap myself up in the towel and walk out, drying my hair with the fluffy towel of yesterday.

There's a denim blue shorts that stop just at my thighs, a cute top that read 'Lets turnip the beet!' and Cosmo's favourite converse. I smile and put on my clothes, then call for Kole, he shuffles in and scowls when he sees that I put on my clothes first. "What? If there's hair on my shirt or whatever I'll just dust it off." I tell him and sit so he can fix my hair.

After a few minutes, I was finally able to go downstairs to have breakfast, my mouth salivates as I stare at the pile of pancakes in front of me. I turn to Nigel and sigh dreamily, "Marry me!" I say and drop into the chair. "Do you really want Ally to kill me? Dude she could hear you, she's everywhere!"

I laugh and stuff the pancakes into my mouth, chewing in a way that is not so lady-like. "So, who's gonna pick you up?" Adrian asks as he walks out if the kitchen, I swallow and look at him, "Well Luke was supposed to pick me up but he's dropping off Lucinda so I'll just ask River."  Cosmo frowns, "Isn't that the guy from yesterday?" I nod and shove another bit of pancake into my mouth.

"I don't like him you know." I sigh and look at him, "Yeah, I know but he's a good guy, its just the first time he sees something different about me."

Once I'm done with the pancakes, I reach down and pet Lynx, "Take care of her and if Rivera comes over just let her take Lynx if you're tired of all the scratching." They nod and I see dad coming down the stairs, "Oh hey honey, you're up already? I think I'm gonna keep these boys, ooh pancakes!" He says and rushes to the table as the guys laugh. "You've never been that excited to eat my food." I gasp, he just laughs and waves me away. I huff and turn, walking out the door.

I stop in front of his house and knock, I hear the shuffling before he opens the door, he has toast in his mouth, his hair is disheveled, the black shirt he's wearing hugs all his muscles, with black pants, he's not wearing his shoes yet. As I look up to his face, I see that he's also taking in my appearance, that's when my eyes widen. No one, and I mean no one except the guys, Luke, Kyler and my dad have ever seen me in such short shorts.

Curse Cosmo!

When his eyes travel back to my face, he had a questioning look completely directed at my presence. "Can I get a ride to school?" I ask and he shrugs and let's me in. The silence began to get awkward and River just acted like I wasn't even here, like it's weird with him not coming up with different ways to make me laugh.

He walks into the kitchen and I follow him, "River?" He turns to look at me, "Are you scared of me?" He tilts his head, "No." His voice is deep and hoarse, sending shivers down my spine. "Then why aren't you talking to me?" The edge of his lip curls a little like he's smirking, "You miss my rant?" I had to fight to stop my face from splitting into a smile, "I'm serious."

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