Chapter 46

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The woman standing in front of me cannot be my mother.

She simply cannot.

There's no way the woman that looks exactly like the same person imprinted into my memory, and looks exactly like me can be my mother.

She wouldn't do this, my mom will definitely not betray my father like this.

"Mom?" I hear a voice beside me but can't recognize it from the thick.wmotion laced in the voice.

My eyes never leave the woman, watching her every reaction, from opening and closing her mouth like a goldfish, and the slight widening of her eyes, and the twitches and shakes of her head.

My brows furrow at her and tears brim my eyes.

"Children, I don't know who you are, but this is definitely not your mother, she is my wife." The man says and I snap my head to him, glaring into his soul.

"Kai? Kyler?" The woman in front of me asks and I look back at her, watching as her lips tremble.

"Oh, so you know us?" Kyler asks and she bites her lips, looking down.

"Mom?" I try again, she looks back at me and I scoff, looking at Kyler. 

"Why?" I ask and she shakes her head, opening her mouth when she gets cut off by a girl.

"Mom, who are you talking to?" The girl asks and I stare at her.

"She's your daughter?" I ask and the girl rolls her eyes. "Duh, and who are you? What are you doing with my mom?" She asks and I blink, the tears falling.

"You have a daughter, with him?" I ask my 'mother' and she nods, before shaking her head.

"No, Kai, you don't understand, she's not my actual daughter." She rushes out and the girl furrows her brows.

"Why are you explaining yourself to her?" She questions the woman and I snarl at her.

"Shut it, if you don't want to eat your own throat, trust me." Her eyes widen and her steps falter.

"Who do you think you are? Talking to my wife and daughter that way?" The man asks and I laugh bitterly, the sound scraping at the walls of my throat.

"That's because you're married to my mother you sick fuck!" I yell and his eyes widen. "This woman that is your 'wife' is my mother, after she went missing five fucking years ago."

A sob racks through the womans ribs and she holds her face in her hands.

"She went missing on the 24th of April 2015, I was fucking twelve, and what, I find her five years later happily married to another man while my father is still in pains because the woman he loved left him for what? Money? With two children!" I yell as the hot tears fall on my face.

I look to my side and see that Kyler has stormed off, I look back to the woman and see her angrily wiping away her tears.

"You could have just talked to him, tell him you've fallen out of love with him, that you want to end it, but no, you did the only thing that you know would hurt us and you left, you left him, we searched mom, we looked everywhere for you, we had to leave because dad was so heartbroken, I had to listen to him cry in your bedroom every fucking night because you left mom!" My voice cracks.

The man holds her shoulder, pulling her into him as she cries.

"And you, you fucking knew she was a married woman, didn't you? She told you lies? Didn't you have a wife? Didn't you know there will be children who need her not to turn into fucking psycho's?" I yell at him and his eyes meet the floor.

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