Chapter 54

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Okay, how do you react when you find out you have a disorder? My thoughts, I'll probably jump out of the closest window or go on a killing rampage or eat myself to death. Then on my grave stone, they'd write 'Death because she was a glutton.'

"Kai, why are you not freaking out?" Luke asks me and I stare at him, blinking slowly. I nod and look at River, who was staring at me like a creep, and then I finally look at the doctor who was probably shitting his pants.

I stand up and walk towards the door, using my knuckles to knock against the door. It makes a satisfying sound and I suddenly gasp.

"I'm not sleeping, oh my goodness I'm not dreaming!" I scream, running towards the window and nearly flying out of it. River grabs my arm and pulls me back, making me slam into his chest. "Let me go! Let me go!" I scream, hitting his chest. "Kai, jumping out if the window won't solve your problem." He says, hugging me tightly to his chest. I shake my head, my fists slamming against his chest starts to slow down and I bury my face into his chest.

"It's okay baby." He murmurs, rubbing my back. It's so funny, I didn't even notice that he called me baby.

"It's not okay, I have a person living inside my head and it's not some kind of ear worm that won't get out, no! I'm fucking sharing my body with a person!" I cry and slip out his grasp, rushing towards the window again.

This time, Luke pulls me back, rolling his eyes as he shoves me against the bed making me lie flat on it.

"Chillax dude, I wasn't really going to jump." I say and Luke laughs a little before his face becomes serious again.

I look at the doctor who was staring at us like we were aliens. I mean, the guys are probably aliens, who knows, or maybe... me, oh my gosh! I am an alien!

I probably have a cool name like Ashton or something.

Stupid, that's a real name.


"So, doc, how did I get this disorder?" I ask, swinging my legs over the bed.

"I don't know, maybe trauma, loss if someone dear to you or an accident." He says and I look at Luke, my heart dropping to my stomach.


"So what caused... her other self to show?" River asks with a bit of hesitation. I swallow, wrapping my arms around myself. I watch the nurse fiddle with his shirt under the heat of River's stare. "She must have been triggered, maybe a scene similar to what had caused her to have DID." He explains and my chest tightens, my throat clogging. I try to form word but it only comes out as short breaths and gasps.

Luke rushes over to me, tapping my cheek lightly.

"What are you doing?" River asks him with a weird look on his face.

"Whenever she's having problem talking or breathing, that's the way we got her to speak and it was only ever effective if Kyler and I did it." He explains and I smile at him, cupping his cheek.

"Alright, enough touching!" River growls and rips Luke from me.

"What? Are you jealous Mr Morales?" Luke asks with a a smug smile on his face.

"Very much, now if you don't mind, I'll be the one my girlfriend will be touching." He says and grabs me.

"Not your girlfriend." I say and he rolls his eyes.

"So, how am I going to control it? How do I stop myself from dissociating?" I ask the nurse, freeing myself again from River's death grip.

"Well, we can appoint you a therapist to help with it." He says and I look at the both of them.

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