Chapter 30

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Okay, when I said I was dripping, I didn't really mean dripping.

I just meant that the water I drank literally poured right out of my mouth. So it dripped onto my shirt and yeah, dripped onto the ground.

River was staring at me, shirtless. My breath hitches as I stare at him, at a loss for all the words I was about to yell at him. He smirks, knowing exactly what he did to me.

I swallow and blink, looking straight into his eyes. He takes a step forward, pulling his shirt over his head. I suck my lip in and bite on it, his hands reach into his hair, running his fingers through it.

He grins like a Cheshire cat, his lips stretching to his ears. I roll my eyes and walk up to him, my chest close to his. His warm breath fans against my face, the mint he took earlier fills my nose.

"So, where's the tattoo?" I breath out, his tongue comes out to lick his lips and he holds my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"On my back, its covered up so it wouldn't get infected." I nod and him when his fingers graze against my skin, looking at his face.

"Alright so I'll-" we jump apart when Alejandro walks into the room, I look to the ground, feeling my cheeks heat up.

"Oh, I can, yeah I'm getting tired of this shit, you guys should really stop this, its getting awkward, River, portala già nella tua stanza, sono stanco di tutta questa strana roba tradotta."

River's eyes widen and his cheeks turn pink, leaving Alejandro smirking.
"You know what? We're leaving." He tugs on my arm and drags me out of the shop, Alejandro cackling evilly behind us. 


"Kai, I need you, now." Adrian whines, and I chuckle, walking over to him, I straddle him and wrap my hands around his neck. I lean in and moving my lips to his ear, I whisper.

"Nigel sucks better." His eyes widen and he pushes me off him, yelling and making all of us laugh. "I caught it in video!" Cosmo exclaims, twirling the cigarette stick in his hand.

Luke laughs and takes a swig out of his bottle, turning back to watch TV with dad. I walk over to Neferankh who's on my phone, touching stuff. I smile and give her a kiss. She giggles and turns away, mumbling something about me disturbing her.

"Kai, that was so not cool, I swear, you gave me blue balls." Adrian says and I laugh, waving it off. That's how we are, we do a video that we use to make fun of him, and he waves it off.

"Yep, I better send this one to Cassie, ooh, she's gonna really have your balls." Nigel laughs, slapping Adrian  on the back. He groans and flops down on the couch, grabbing the bottle from Luke and drinking from it. Luke shakes his head and mutters something about children under his breath.

"Hey dad, aren't you going to work today?" I ask as I grab a glass of water. "Nah, I got a day off so I'm chilling." He says and takes a swig of the beer in his hand. I laugh and throw a slice of pineapple in my mouth.

The doorbell rings and Cosmo yells, "I got it." The door swings open and grey eyes meet mine, almost like he knew where I was going to be standing.

"What the fuck is he doing here?" Jake all but screams, I want to stop him but Neferankh starts crying because she couldn't color a spot, I turn to her, picking her up and making soft noises.

"Jake, it's okay, I already talked to him. Jomana even slapped him."

He turns, around, a proud smirk on his face, "That's my baby girl." He says and carries her away, leaving me to stare at River.

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