Chapter 44

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Really Kai?

First you say pickle, then you say fudge, what are you, twelve?

"Hi there!" I smile and they all raise their brows. They walk into the kitchen and I notice a familiar face in the middle of the crowd.

"Oh, hey Alejandro." I say and he smiles at me.

"Haven't seen you in a while, what happened to your leg?" He asks and I shrug, playing with the other leg.

"I guess I broke it when I fell in Luke's room if River told you anything about it."

"Which was probably stupid by the way." River pipes in and I narrow my eyes at him.

"Wait, what is going on? And how does Alejandro know the babe, out of all of us?" One of the boys asked, gesturing around him.

"Well, dear loving brother over here took her to my tattoo parlour to get his, turns out she got one instead." He says and walks over to the fridge pulling out a bottle.

"Well, babe, since you're not taken, I'll ignore the fact you've kissed that twat over there, will you be mine, señorita?" One of them asks, his green eyes striking, staring me down with a mischievous look in them, accompanied by a more sinister smile.

"You're trying to look like a serial killer aren't you?" I ask and he nods.

"Yep, but I don't think I have the hang of it." He murmurs.

"You could try a sweet smile, that's alluring, almost innocent to your victims but a more sinister look in your eyes,  almost like you can't wait to feed on their soul, they'd catch it all in just one look, but'll think twice when they see the smile,  if they're smart,  they'll run for the hills, if they're looking for a random hook up, then they'll ignore and become the perfect prey." I explain and bite my lip.

"That's, that's- woah!" He blinks.

I smile, happy that he thought my idea was awesome.

"Where'd you get her?" Another asks, a slight cut on his left brow, perfectly raised. His hair was disheveled, like he just got out of bed, or out of an um, intimate, um, makeout, uh, cough, session.

"In a grocery store." River mutters sarcastically and I smile a little.

"Romero, what is going on?" The lady in front of me asks and I jump, I actually forgot she was just beside me. "Like I said, this is Kai, Kai Winters, and her daughter, wait, where is Neferankh?" He asks and my eyes widen.

"What do you mean 'where is Neferankh?'." I ask and he gulps.

"She was struggling when we got in here and I let her walk around and oh wait, there she is." He says and I look behind me to see her walking with some dog.

"Come here." I say and stretch my hands out to her and grab her.

"Wait, did you say daughter?" One of the boys ask and I tense.

"Yes, her daughter, Neferankh,  Rivera already knows her." River says, ruffling behind the dog's ear.

"She's so cute, can I hold her?" One of the little boys walks over to me, his big green eyes staring at me hopefully.

"Sure, just be careful, she gets a little grabby with hair sometimes." I say and he nods, a full smile on his face.

"Um, Mrs. Morales, I'm sorry about um all this awkwardness and your son being a doofus." I say, and she laughs.

"Call me Lisa and please, everyone knows what kind of boy he is, bigger than a doofus if you ask me." She says and I smile.

"Well, I have to get back to what I'm cooking, the guys will entertain you in the game room, I'll get you- hey! Valentino! Get away from there!" She yells and throws a slipper which smacks his head.

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