Chapter 22

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"Its not fair! No! Why?!"

Luke yells as he throws the controller on the couch for the seventh time today, I chuckle softly and look back at Neferankh who was silently playing with her teddy.

Adrian walks up to me with a bowl of fruits, "We told you you'd get your behind handed to you, but noo, you didn't listen." I pick up a slice of pineapple, throwing it into my mouth as I go to sit on the floor with Neferankh.

"Baby, do you wanna play with mama?" She looks up at me with her big brown eyes, her hair sprung out in curls, making her look a thousand times more adorable, she holds out her teddy to me and I chuckle, I pick her up and twirl around while her cute giggles fills the air.

"I'm hungry!" Luke complains, "You just ate." I say and look at him in disbelief, "No, that was when Marcy and James were here, and that was about twenty minutes ago, now I want ice cream." 

Grandpa took Gramma out on a date, weird, I know.

"Who's up for ice cr-" He gets cut off when Kole and Cosmo run out of the house, screaming, "Ice cream!"

I roll my eyes and follow them out, Min-Jun decided to stay back home since he needed to get some stuff done, dad was asleep in his room, today was his day off from the gym.

Neferankh tugs on my hair as she wraps her other hand around her teddy. "Mama, ata." She says, which I immediately translate to water, so she wants to drink water.

I turn back into the house and get her tiny cup with a little water, she grasps it, letting her teddy fall, I smile and watch her gulp down the last drop of water.

She hands me the cup, then makes grabby hands to the teddy, I pick it up and give it to her. "Kai, hurry up!" I hear Nigel yell making me roll my eyes.

I walk back outside and close the door, as I turn back, I see Rivera and River, just heading out. My smile is immediately replaced by a blank look. As if sensing my presence, she turns to me and her eyes widen.

"Oh my gosh, Kai, its been forever since I last saw you!" She yells as she shuffles over to us, "How have you been?" She asks, "Good." Was my simple and shot reply.

"Who's this cutie pie?" She gushes over Neferankh. "My daughter." I say a little harshly. Her eyes widen, "OMG! She is soooooo cute! How old is she?" She asks and pinches her cheeks.

"She'll be two in a few months." I say with a confused look on my face, didn't River tell her?

She seems to notice the look on my face, "Is this why he was mad?" I nod silently, her face morphs into understanding, "Honey, he has a reason for getting mad, it's really hard on him, you should see him, he's not been himself lately but just don't let it hurt you, please."

I look over to him and see the pain on his face, my eyes notice that he was staring at Neferankh. "What happened to him?" My voice comes out in a hushed whisper. I look back to her and see the pain fresh in her eyes.

"It's not in my place to tell you, but he'll tell you everything when he's ready." She says with so much finality in her voice that stops me from pressing on.

"Kai I swear, if you don't get your ass here right now, I will leave and not get any Kit Kats for you!" My eyes widen at the thought of Kit Kats.

"I have to go, I'll talk later." I rush out and bolt towards the car. It was already packed so Luke, Cosmo, Nigel, Neferankh and I took Luke's car. I called shotgun and ran to the front seat while Cosmo and Nigel groaned.

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